The Dark Room

The Dark Room
My Abstract Paintings


A Small collage of my works



!NK at the Edge of your Canvas

Bless Up-

I Appreciate Everyone for stopping by my to check out my sanity/passion on display loll..... I didn't want to have a basic blog that i see out there a lot where people blog about celebs 24/7, thats what celebrity TV is for, i'll post about celebs but not 95% of the time...... I'm more about social issues/human rights/random funny shit too. I like my world balanced.... I welcome all opinions whether i agree or not, Speak Your Wrong Mind! hahahaaa ...Enjoy

Hit Me With Your Opinions


Is it Truth or Bullshit??

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

:!: Ink-Thought :!:

Why Does A Healthy New Born Child has To be Injected With Anything???????

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Do You Know Someone that You Want or Believe You Need

But You Can't Have Them Because of the Situation They're In or Because They Don't Want You..............Then You Meet Someone Very Similar to This Person, Close in Look - Complexion - Laughter - Ideals and Has the Same Kind of Personality and Character......

Question Is:
Are You Interested In This Second Person Because They Are Very Similar
to The First And They're A Subliminal Substitute for That Person?????
Are You Intreseted Because of the Character and Personality Traits of
Both People?????

Sunday, March 7, 2010

© Her Own Blooded Flesh

She Abandon her Child
in the Vernerable Wilderness of Sexual Abuse
In the Murky suffocation of psychological sodomy

Seeds that sprout Detrimental sea weeds in a cesspool of self hatred

Knowingly She Abandon Her Child
Her Child

Caged in the Spirit Searing Pain Scars from Foced Sexual Advances

Her Child Violated of all Privacy

Touched in areas that has caused her child disgrace of self esteem

Her young Blood Flesh.. hates this kindred

hates this kindred that's an Adult ad-ult Add-Hault who never Added Hault
and Stifled the freedom of this child
and Poisoned their Perception of the opposite Gender

She Abandon Her Child
In the Vernerable Wilderness
Knowing the Beast prowls and letting it Feast

R-Vin H. {ink} ©2008

© Life Lung

Put some life in my Lungs
Breath in Me

Breath in me Entirely
Put your life in my Lung
Portrait your life in my Living
My longing to Live
Paint everything you feel about my being.. in Me

Creating textures of ink that create colors I never knew Existed
or Could believe to be... any part of my existing make up
Lure me away, away I can't direct, to indirectly connect

Paint visions one everything you See
percolate deep Visions in shallow blind spots
and Widths of Wisdom in Dark corners

Paint me Purposes not from pathetic Reasons

the Closest Furthest Connection in History of Man
and before you Lung the Truth into my Exterior

I Want to be Everything Possible

R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2007

© Burn Down The Soul

Burn down the Soul, like it has no Home
No birth canal, no Conception known

Inflame the Spirit
Burning at the bottom of the ocean Floor
is the body of a slave on a crucifix
While jesus walks Above

Burn down the Soul
It's the power of breathing in the strength of Death
Causing everything to exist Asthmatic
Caught evasive of the common, snese of sight
Existing in my individual Vision

Burning down the soul - arsenic to its Soil
To the 3rd Degree
Burns to the bone marrow of a earth worm
the Arrow of Wisdom through my Heart
and I felt like a pebble of sand on an Iceberg

Burning down my soul through stone dead cold eyes

Touching the soul like it's no body's child

R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2007

© Adjustment

I'm not cold hearted
I'm just conditioned to, Societies wind-chill

I'm not a problem to the public
the Public is a problem to Me

I have Morals
I've just adopted certain immoral acts to contend with imooral challanges

I don't have Hate
Hate places its passion upon the soul of my Reactions

I'm not an idiot
My brain just hasn't realized the rinse cycle the political laundromat has put it Through

I Haven't feel Victim
I have Just Adjusted

R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2000

© Bullet In My Back

You're A Bullet in my Brain
Damaging my train of Thought
Pellets pulling the pain Apart
Pictating its Pleasure
Paralyzing at its Peak

Staggering my Spiritual Spine of Soul Survival
Sold my life for you like Religion sodl the Bible
Only to be rewritten by lesser powers under the Original Author
my Morality

Changed for You
You were my only Reason to Be, You were like a
rose in the scorching dessert and I was a cloud
that Journeyed on a Odyssey from over the Oceans to Rain
On U

In the beginning
but the Rose turned to a Red skin snake, shedding scales
of rough hate on the grounds my hreart specifically miostened

A fortress of Fire and platoon of poison with passion to
protect me as a person from your cursings

featuring off fiction to attack the fact
You Are a Bullet in my Back

R-Vin H.{Ink} ©1999

Friday, March 5, 2010


If Pussy Had Power
The Richest 1% would be Pussy

If Pussy Had Staying Power
Men wouldn't Impregnate women and Disappear...

If Pussy Had Power
We'd Have more Female world leaders...

Powerless Pussy

Mans greed and weakness for the temptation possess more power than pussy

Mans ego and fierce thirst for leaving a legacy of destruction for the for those
economically beneath him has Power

Mans Journey to Conquer Land and other Man has Power

Only thirsty men are weak for pussy

Grant it many men have destroyed their careers and family for Pussy
But that's mostly the power and ignorance of their Ego

The Only Power pussy has is holding up while giving Birth

There's Too much pussy on the Market to have any dominant control... the Ratio
is too one sided
If Pussy had power Pussy would run the world

And Most of these Men in Power or of Power don't even Dig pussy

If Pussy had that much Power
The Glass ceiling would be shattered by now and raining on the dicks

And this glass ceiling should be destroyed because I believe if you have the
know and capability you deserve where you should be and advance

If Pussy Had Power.........

Maybe Pussy would have Power when more women learn to work with each other
Building and not fight each other down...

Not all women but the ones who fight each other should join forces

Mans Religion of Power
Mans Faith in Experimenting with People Unaware of the Truth
Mans Prayer to be God in every aspect
Mans Church The of Science of Capitalism
Has power

And with that said

Pussy is Powerless!

R-Vin H.{Ink} ©2010

Sex or Mind Sex


And I REPEAT "A MAN" not boys.. A Man who is Focused with Goals set to Accomplish, Who's grinding to get to where he needs to be in his life so he"ll be better set for a great Relationship

Food is Great and Sex is Great but Nothing Trumps Mind Stimulation.. Intelligence is an Aphrodiasiac for focused people.

This is my opionion on Mind over just Sex....What's yours???