The Dark Room

The Dark Room
My Abstract Paintings


A Small collage of my works



!NK at the Edge of your Canvas

Bless Up-

I Appreciate Everyone for stopping by my to check out my sanity/passion on display loll..... I didn't want to have a basic blog that i see out there a lot where people blog about celebs 24/7, thats what celebrity TV is for, i'll post about celebs but not 95% of the time...... I'm more about social issues/human rights/random funny shit too. I like my world balanced.... I welcome all opinions whether i agree or not, Speak Your Wrong Mind! hahahaaa ...Enjoy

Hit Me With Your Opinions


Is it Truth or Bullshit??

Friday, October 29, 2010

Public/Private Sector Poison

Everything is a fix for a purpose to control the population through fear... to puppeteer our ignorance to the unknown poisonous truths... to invade and strip us of our privacy and rights... I trust nothing the Media/Government tries to Force Feeds Me

Monday, October 4, 2010

Poverty in Beauty is Global

A day in Rio...
Hell in the favellas... Homeless in the street with no feet
Pain cut deep for the sufferers...

A day in Rio...
The homeless sleep bareback on the concrete
Black Indian Portuguese mix seductive hips kiss the streets

Media teaches through Image that African/Black People are Primitive and Mentally Limited
our dis-acknowledgment of this
or worse
our Acknowledgment and Continuity of Ignorance towards the Poison being fed to us
Is all helping them siring a slow death of our Existence

No matter what curve of this earth we reach...
Lack of knowledge and education of present self and ancestries past is a poisonous Bleach to the path the mind has to take to build for our children

And our freedom of carelessness embeds disillusion and more shadow than shine... which is absorbed and inherited in our children's awareness of courage/success/self esteem

Education is Poison to Oppressors and Education purposely misdirected is Poison to the Oppressed
We need to Educate and Self then Our Children
Everyday is an Opportunity to Will Them

Eliminate what they force you to see and voyeur the pleasures of Vision

People are Suffering in Poverty Globally same as Here
...As the Oppressed We Need to Arm our Selves with Education and Revolution

A day in Rio made me write what the News doesn't Show
When we imagine de Janeiro

Exploited Culture

You can brand my Heritage
Package its Spirit and Advertise its Soul but you can't sell me what I recreate
I am it before you knew it Existed

How can it be the truth if its depicted???

I plan to write truths till the United Nations sanctions my hand as Restricted
and my Knowledge is against Human Rights..
The Rights of Humans to be Informed

When the media blows up distracts, human awareness/protection are being deformed

How you gonna mentally Castrate the Mind
Then fuck it with a prosthetic penis
Then label it Wisdom Reformed
That's not health care

Don't be Naïve to Believe any Existence of Power wants Wealth Shared

I seen people so homeless out here they camouflage into the streets the lay
As if they're Sculptures
As if they're Agony's prey

Niggas plan out how to fuck these birds
when they should Capitalize on Capital and Aim to fuck These Vultures
that get Wealthy off Exploiting our Cultures - That we Support

We gotta Create limits they'll NEED to figure out how to Fly above with more than 2 Wings

We need to become Nu Earths with Nu Lings
not Asian but Ace in all Cards
Till all Comprising is off Deck

Till Knowledge are Artifacts and our Minds are Museums
Giving our kids knowledge till Wisdom it self feels the Muse in them
Stop putting Misuse in them...

This is Accurately why we're Loosing em

Don't Fuel our Future with your Failures from your Bitterness
If you wanna waste Minds.....Litter Whit

Condoms should be the only thing to com-press heads

Time is Waiting on Us as a People
We're the first time Created
though Many have Tried to Eliminate Us
Time has been Preventing them from wiping us Out

Though we haven't been on Times side