The Dark Room

The Dark Room
My Abstract Paintings


A Small collage of my works



!NK at the Edge of your Canvas

Bless Up-

I Appreciate Everyone for stopping by my to check out my sanity/passion on display loll..... I didn't want to have a basic blog that i see out there a lot where people blog about celebs 24/7, thats what celebrity TV is for, i'll post about celebs but not 95% of the time...... I'm more about social issues/human rights/random funny shit too. I like my world balanced.... I welcome all opinions whether i agree or not, Speak Your Wrong Mind! hahahaaa ...Enjoy

Hit Me With Your Opinions


Is it Truth or Bullshit??

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Good|Bad Energry

I Recently had a Conversation with a Friend about Energy and how It Changes and Doesn’t Change Different Moods and We figured
Energy is Electric and Contagious and has Effects at Separate Degrees

Someone can be Sad|Depressed and as much Good Energy as you try to Uplift them with, a lot of times they will stay in a negative space…
Only They can Bring Themselves out of that Space..
this can also depend on who is trying to bring a positive vibe to the person in need of it..
good words coming from someone you feel who understands you weighs stronger then good words coming from someone you really don’t value.

On The Other Side

You can be in a Positive Vibe Mood and Someone brings their Negative Energy|Aura to you and It can deplete your Good Vibes in Minutes or Seconds..

I Do Believe Positive Vibes are Stronger than Negative Vibes but Negative Vibes have a Quicker|Immediate Effect on your Current Mood

But over all its Your Choice of if you will Allow either Energy to Effect You

Is it something in the Human Nature that shields Positive Energy from Quickly Effecting People in a Mentally and Spiritually lost Place?

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