U Can't Run when your pussy is wet on my Lips though
Knees might be too weak... Buckling at the sheets
U Can't Run when you gotta get up slow and your juices are stringed between your Clit
and my lips
U Can't Run when I'm running my tongue across your laminated lobes
Lips studded by moist taste buds tracing the genetics or your 3rd orgams
Encoding my Erection in the data base of Back Shots
Till its a figment of your imagination
how I change the pigment of your complexion from certain strokes in Concessons
Airborne your squirts till you violate FAA air space
U Can't Run when this tongue slicks beneath the clits pulsating twitch
Lips slip on Lips
I catch your left lips with a slight grip and paint my insanity with a tough tip
The pleasures of unique interludes of nude humanity seduced beneath completely selfless serenity
U Can't Run... With your pussy throbbing and dripping on my chin
Intrusive with Passion till you're numb in the skin
Can't run getting your right lip sucked against your wet thigh captive to my tongues drenched high
U Can't Run when com dives
I see that cartridge of heat in the cornea of you pistol pupil
Rhythm that moist lip on the side of mine
I'll suck you out the side of your mind
Till your Expectations for Pleasure are Redefined
Just ride slow and use your muscles for traction on this wet path
Tongue subtracts lips in wet math
Fiber ops fucking till your pussy is wireless when connected to my lap top
U Can't Run... Squirting from back shots
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Is it Truth or Bullshit??
Monday, December 27, 2010
© Uoyem
What happened to your aura
once a constellation now a spew
of something beneath sanitation
What happened to you glori... Fication of self fixation
You were my unequivocal inspiration
I thought there was a rule that no cool has an expiration
I used to study your ways like education
Your experince was my scholarship before my path had to pay any tuition
What happened to your shine
I keep a vacancy to be filled by blindness of any wrong you do in my Mind
'i' thought we would go full circle with out crossing the line ,!,
I continuously kept you refined.. But you never kept you inclined
This what happened to your shine..
You were sniffing these Lines... Of Deception
I was slipping in Time.. Of Perception
I was snorting every addictive word spoken
You were siringing your illegal ambiance in my inkling
What Occurred with You
Concurs through............Me
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
once a constellation now a spew
of something beneath sanitation
What happened to you glori... Fication of self fixation
You were my unequivocal inspiration
I thought there was a rule that no cool has an expiration
I used to study your ways like education
Your experince was my scholarship before my path had to pay any tuition
What happened to your shine
I keep a vacancy to be filled by blindness of any wrong you do in my Mind
'i' thought we would go full circle with out crossing the line ,!,
I continuously kept you refined.. But you never kept you inclined
This what happened to your shine..
You were sniffing these Lines... Of Deception
I was slipping in Time.. Of Perception
I was snorting every addictive word spoken
You were siringing your illegal ambiance in my inkling
What Occurred with You
Concurs through............Me
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
False Image,
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Note to Women: Most men are simple and easy to please ...for example -----> "A full Stomach and Empty Dick leaves a Satisfied Man" lmaoo
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
© Species Alike
Lions/Tigers - Republican & Democrat
Poison Jellyfish/Sharks - Republican & Democrat
Spanish Women/Camel Toes - Republican & Democrat
Sperm/Com - Republican & Democrat
Atlantic Trade/Slavery - Republican & Democrat
Religion/Blood Shed - Republican & Democrat
Puto/Pato - Republican & Democrat
Deception/Fallacy - Republican & Democrat
War/Wasted Lives - Republican & Democrat
Priest Molesting Boys/Police Murdering Blacks - Republican & Democrat
How different are the parties???? The same music has been playing for decades!
With all this said they’re are probably a handful of politicians that actually care to make a change for the better the mass population
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Poison Jellyfish/Sharks - Republican & Democrat
Spanish Women/Camel Toes - Republican & Democrat
Sperm/Com - Republican & Democrat
Atlantic Trade/Slavery - Republican & Democrat
Religion/Blood Shed - Republican & Democrat
Puto/Pato - Republican & Democrat
Deception/Fallacy - Republican & Democrat
War/Wasted Lives - Republican & Democrat
Priest Molesting Boys/Police Murdering Blacks - Republican & Democrat
How different are the parties???? The same music has been playing for decades!
With all this said they’re are probably a handful of politicians that actually care to make a change for the better the mass population
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Blood Thirsty Power,
Police State,
Population Control
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Who Can Last Longer without the Opposite Sex???????
Q: Who can go longer without the opposite sex??? Emotionally/Sexually/Mentally??? Who is more off focused when they don't have the opposite sex in major aspects of their life, Men or Women???
Someone answered: MEN...women can hold out and keep it moving but men go crazy...women always come out the winner on this one
My Response was-> Yea I agree.. Women can go longer.. Depending on age, I think women around 30 and over can go longer.. SOME women under 30 can't hold out for too long, SOME are too Driven on Emotion, some aren't Focused on a Productive Path. Men have emotional ties that they deal with too, but a man could deal with you like/love you today and move on tomorrow like its nothing (even though he truly has genuine feelings for you) that's how men ignore the pain of hurt. This is true for some women of today too, they can have you this second and dispose you the next minute.
Someone answered: MEN...women can hold out and keep it moving but men go crazy...women always come out the winner on this one
My Response was-> Yea I agree.. Women can go longer.. Depending on age, I think women around 30 and over can go longer.. SOME women under 30 can't hold out for too long, SOME are too Driven on Emotion, some aren't Focused on a Productive Path. Men have emotional ties that they deal with too, but a man could deal with you like/love you today and move on tomorrow like its nothing (even though he truly has genuine feelings for you) that's how men ignore the pain of hurt. This is true for some women of today too, they can have you this second and dispose you the next minute.
A Beautiful Woman
Intelligence: she digs deeper than surface and evaluates what's force fed through media/history/school and
creates her own sense of knowledge
Humor: She has to make me laugh, near crying from laughing hard and it should
be natural and not forced
Creative: Drawing, Painting, Poetry, Film, Photography, Dance ....a Women spirited in the
arts is a high turn on
Spirituall: (this shares the number 1 spot too) She Doesn't have to be
religious but Spiritual
Sex Appeal: Sexual/Mental attitude about being sexy.. She believes she's sexy, walks like the
aura of sex is embodied in her being, the look in her eyes, the rhythm of her
hips, the way she speaks with confidence
True to Self: She has to be Genuine, Considerate
Spontaneous/Dare Devil: Right Now attitude! On a fire escape, in a tight alley, in an elevator, on top of a car/truck.. Doing whatever, just enjoying life
Yeaaa Yeeaaa i know it sounds like i'm looking for the perfect woman, but its really some simple things and i know what i need loll
Oh Yea! And shi afi know how fi cook!! We could be in the kitchen chefing up some good shit and groping each other hahahahaa!
creates her own sense of knowledge
Humor: She has to make me laugh, near crying from laughing hard and it should
be natural and not forced
Creative: Drawing, Painting, Poetry, Film, Photography, Dance ....a Women spirited in the
arts is a high turn on
Spirituall: (this shares the number 1 spot too) She Doesn't have to be
religious but Spiritual
Sex Appeal: Sexual/Mental attitude about being sexy.. She believes she's sexy, walks like the
aura of sex is embodied in her being, the look in her eyes, the rhythm of her
hips, the way she speaks with confidence
True to Self: She has to be Genuine, Considerate
Spontaneous/Dare Devil: Right Now attitude! On a fire escape, in a tight alley, in an elevator, on top of a car/truck.. Doing whatever, just enjoying life
Yeaaa Yeeaaa i know it sounds like i'm looking for the perfect woman, but its really some simple things and i know what i need loll
Oh Yea! And shi afi know how fi cook!! We could be in the kitchen chefing up some good shit and groping each other hahahahaa!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Public/Private Sector Poison
Everything is a fix for a purpose to control the population through fear... to puppeteer our ignorance to the unknown poisonous truths... to invade and strip us of our privacy and rights... I trust nothing the Media/Government tries to Force Feeds Me
Monday, October 4, 2010
Poverty in Beauty is Global

A day in Rio...
Hell in the favellas... Homeless in the street with no feet
Pain cut deep for the sufferers...
A day in Rio...
The homeless sleep bareback on the concrete
Black Indian Portuguese mix seductive hips kiss the streets
Media teaches through Image that African/Black People are Primitive and Mentally Limited
our dis-acknowledgment of this
or worse
our Acknowledgment and Continuity of Ignorance towards the Poison being fed to us
Is all helping them siring a slow death of our Existence
No matter what curve of this earth we reach...
Lack of knowledge and education of present self and ancestries past is a poisonous Bleach to the path the mind has to take to build for our children
And our freedom of carelessness embeds disillusion and more shadow than shine... which is absorbed and inherited in our children's awareness of courage/success/self esteem
Education is Poison to Oppressors and Education purposely misdirected is Poison to the Oppressed
We need to Educate and Self then Our Children
Everyday is an Opportunity to Will Them
Eliminate what they force you to see and voyeur the pleasures of Vision
People are Suffering in Poverty Globally same as Here
...As the Oppressed We Need to Arm our Selves with Education and Revolution
A day in Rio made me write what the News doesn't Show
When we imagine de Janeiro
Corrupt Government,
Mental Poverty,
Exploited Culture
You can brand my Heritage
Package its Spirit and Advertise its Soul but you can't sell me what I recreate
I am it before you knew it Existed
How can it be the truth if its depicted???
I plan to write truths till the United Nations sanctions my hand as Restricted
and my Knowledge is against Human Rights..
The Rights of Humans to be Informed
When the media blows up distracts, human awareness/protection are being deformed
How you gonna mentally Castrate the Mind
Then fuck it with a prosthetic penis
Then label it Wisdom Reformed
That's not health care
Don't be Naïve to Believe any Existence of Power wants Wealth Shared
I seen people so homeless out here they camouflage into the streets the lay
As if they're Sculptures
As if they're Agony's prey
Niggas plan out how to fuck these birds
when they should Capitalize on Capital and Aim to fuck These Vultures
that get Wealthy off Exploiting our Cultures - That we Support
We gotta Create limits they'll NEED to figure out how to Fly above with more than 2 Wings
We need to become Nu Earths with Nu Lings
not Asian but Ace in all Cards
Till all Comprising is off Deck
Till Knowledge are Artifacts and our Minds are Museums
Giving our kids knowledge till Wisdom it self feels the Muse in them
Stop putting Misuse in them...
This is Accurately why we're Loosing em
Don't Fuel our Future with your Failures from your Bitterness
If you wanna waste Minds.....Litter Whit
Condoms should be the only thing to com-press heads
Time is Waiting on Us as a People
We're the first time Created
though Many have Tried to Eliminate Us
Time has been Preventing them from wiping us Out
Though we haven't been on Times side
Package its Spirit and Advertise its Soul but you can't sell me what I recreate
I am it before you knew it Existed
How can it be the truth if its depicted???
I plan to write truths till the United Nations sanctions my hand as Restricted
and my Knowledge is against Human Rights..
The Rights of Humans to be Informed
When the media blows up distracts, human awareness/protection are being deformed
How you gonna mentally Castrate the Mind
Then fuck it with a prosthetic penis
Then label it Wisdom Reformed
That's not health care
Don't be Naïve to Believe any Existence of Power wants Wealth Shared
I seen people so homeless out here they camouflage into the streets the lay
As if they're Sculptures
As if they're Agony's prey
Niggas plan out how to fuck these birds
when they should Capitalize on Capital and Aim to fuck These Vultures
that get Wealthy off Exploiting our Cultures - That we Support
We gotta Create limits they'll NEED to figure out how to Fly above with more than 2 Wings
We need to become Nu Earths with Nu Lings
not Asian but Ace in all Cards
Till all Comprising is off Deck
Till Knowledge are Artifacts and our Minds are Museums
Giving our kids knowledge till Wisdom it self feels the Muse in them
Stop putting Misuse in them...
This is Accurately why we're Loosing em
Don't Fuel our Future with your Failures from your Bitterness
If you wanna waste Minds.....Litter Whit
Condoms should be the only thing to com-press heads
Time is Waiting on Us as a People
We're the first time Created
though Many have Tried to Eliminate Us
Time has been Preventing them from wiping us Out
Though we haven't been on Times side
Corrupt Government,
Mental Poverty
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Path to Success
When you struggle/grind persistently for years, when you sacrifice partying/spending $$$/eating on a regular basis/sleep and you don't see any progression that near equals the work put out: its depleting, when people like your work but don't appreciate it or like it enough to purchase or help with exposure it feels like an internal collapse (especially when you see and know others who take short cuts/sell themselves get to where you aim to be),
You begin to steadily ask your self, why am I doing this???? Is it all worth it???? Am I wasting my time???? What am I doing wrong???? And it feels like the weight of your creative world is on your head, shoulders- arms and back of your neck: and you're just carrying it around heavy lifeless- This is where it Becomes Easy to Quick, drop everything you believe in and walk free, No Responsibility or Obligation to your Dream......
....this is where you pick up Another Weight, a Heavier Weight, the Weight of Regret, "what if", "I should had", "if I didn't quit...." And this weight isn't on your upper mentality anymore, its in your HEART and walking with a heart with that kind of weight is walking dead... When you stay Persistent till Success the Weight of the Sacrifice Lifts Up and becomes the Aura that Fuels your Drive even More!.. No weight in the heart, just High Spirits
Never Give Up No Matter How Gloomy your Path Seems or Becomes and success isn't Self Accomplish and that's it, its When you Achieve all of your Dreams Capabilities and you Share/Guide and Build with Others on a Progressive Path
Its Very Vital to have a Circle of Progressive People.. You Feed off of Their Vibes and Excel on their Inspiration
You begin to steadily ask your self, why am I doing this???? Is it all worth it???? Am I wasting my time???? What am I doing wrong???? And it feels like the weight of your creative world is on your head, shoulders- arms and back of your neck: and you're just carrying it around heavy lifeless- This is where it Becomes Easy to Quick, drop everything you believe in and walk free, No Responsibility or Obligation to your Dream......
....this is where you pick up Another Weight, a Heavier Weight, the Weight of Regret, "what if", "I should had", "if I didn't quit...." And this weight isn't on your upper mentality anymore, its in your HEART and walking with a heart with that kind of weight is walking dead... When you stay Persistent till Success the Weight of the Sacrifice Lifts Up and becomes the Aura that Fuels your Drive even More!.. No weight in the heart, just High Spirits
Never Give Up No Matter How Gloomy your Path Seems or Becomes and success isn't Self Accomplish and that's it, its When you Achieve all of your Dreams Capabilities and you Share/Guide and Build with Others on a Progressive Path
Its Very Vital to have a Circle of Progressive People.. You Feed off of Their Vibes and Excel on their Inspiration
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Weird Dream
I had a dream that I was cooking breakfast for this sexy midget smh
I also realize that midgets don't need booty pop
All I'm saying is be careful of what kind of pussy you eat before sleep.. Good pussy might have you dreaming crazy shit and bad pussy might make you kill your self in a dream, so I've been told hahaha smh
I also realize that midgets don't need booty pop
All I'm saying is be careful of what kind of pussy you eat before sleep.. Good pussy might have you dreaming crazy shit and bad pussy might make you kill your self in a dream, so I've been told hahaha smh
Monday, August 16, 2010
Prayer over Porcelain???????
Is it ok to pray while you shit???
I promised someone I would pray for them and it caught me while I was on the toilet that I made the promise and this was the only sit still time I had to actually request blessings for them... But I had to think if it was disrespectful to pray while I purge???? I'm always on the move though...
I usually say fuck it with out second thought for some things and do it.. But I don't want this prayer to be full of shit (I know it sounds crazy/funny but I'm serious about this)
I'll hold off on this prayer till I'm done cleansing though loll
I mean prayer is natural and I'm doing a natural human function, so technically they should go hand in hand logically
Just sharing these random moments in my life loll
I promised someone I would pray for them and it caught me while I was on the toilet that I made the promise and this was the only sit still time I had to actually request blessings for them... But I had to think if it was disrespectful to pray while I purge???? I'm always on the move though...
I usually say fuck it with out second thought for some things and do it.. But I don't want this prayer to be full of shit (I know it sounds crazy/funny but I'm serious about this)
I'll hold off on this prayer till I'm done cleansing though loll
I mean prayer is natural and I'm doing a natural human function, so technically they should go hand in hand logically
Just sharing these random moments in my life loll
Monday, August 9, 2010
© Sippin' Orgasms
Across the galaxy I feel your existence
Wet before insertion
Width with conversion
Moist on my lips I paused to Taste Her Moist Moments
My tongue couldn't neglect the Pussy Pulsating
Insertion of my knowledge from the back I pull out vision exploding wisdom all over her wide eyed lips
Till your an orgasm I can sip
Serious Stimulation and Persistent Pressure
I Aim to Please at any undisclosed Measure
Curved for your Grafenberg
Not even a sentence is spoken after words
Walls wetting my width... A spiritual highness couldn't compare to this lift
Cumin' at the cusp of your Cervix
Ride this Erection Reverse
till you're so Wet you give the ocean a Fever pitch Thirst
Slow Sexing you from behind with arms around your sides playing with your nipples at rise
From the back of your head I could feel the passion in your Eyes
Slow grinding till only sleep can subdue your Unstable Thighs
Leave you Mentally liquefied and Subconsciously soaking
Walls are to be mural by width that's woven
I slip inside You
Slide on the Curve Side Ways and Grind when you Touch Base
Kerosene in the Cornea of your Fuck Face
Cum Suck Taste
You like it tied up, nipples pinched, hair griped tight, ribs bent side ways, ankles hand cuffed, ass spread open and mouth duck taped
Write poetry all over your Deep Back in Heat
Our Bodies cross boundaries like lines subtract Traffic
Sex driven till Rubbers Blow Off
I'll paint an Orgasmic Mural dripping off the frames of your Canvas
Go down on our city like Transit
Diggin' you out like D.E.P Drastic Electric Passion
Spurts of pleasure cream your Deep Walls
I just wana make you Squirt enough to Sprinkler the White House Lawn
Life must go on
Which is impossible with out sex, the physical
But Spirits Exchange with Passion- Beyond the Prior
With my Lips Sipping your Orgasm
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Wet before insertion
Width with conversion
Moist on my lips I paused to Taste Her Moist Moments
My tongue couldn't neglect the Pussy Pulsating
Insertion of my knowledge from the back I pull out vision exploding wisdom all over her wide eyed lips
Till your an orgasm I can sip
Serious Stimulation and Persistent Pressure
I Aim to Please at any undisclosed Measure
Curved for your Grafenberg
Not even a sentence is spoken after words
Walls wetting my width... A spiritual highness couldn't compare to this lift
Cumin' at the cusp of your Cervix
Ride this Erection Reverse
till you're so Wet you give the ocean a Fever pitch Thirst
Slow Sexing you from behind with arms around your sides playing with your nipples at rise
From the back of your head I could feel the passion in your Eyes
Slow grinding till only sleep can subdue your Unstable Thighs
Leave you Mentally liquefied and Subconsciously soaking
Walls are to be mural by width that's woven
I slip inside You
Slide on the Curve Side Ways and Grind when you Touch Base
Kerosene in the Cornea of your Fuck Face
Cum Suck Taste
You like it tied up, nipples pinched, hair griped tight, ribs bent side ways, ankles hand cuffed, ass spread open and mouth duck taped
Write poetry all over your Deep Back in Heat
Our Bodies cross boundaries like lines subtract Traffic
Sex driven till Rubbers Blow Off
I'll paint an Orgasmic Mural dripping off the frames of your Canvas
Go down on our city like Transit
Diggin' you out like D.E.P Drastic Electric Passion
Spurts of pleasure cream your Deep Walls
I just wana make you Squirt enough to Sprinkler the White House Lawn
Life must go on
Which is impossible with out sex, the physical
But Spirits Exchange with Passion- Beyond the Prior
With my Lips Sipping your Orgasm
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
U.S. Immigrant Situation
I've been paying attention to this whole Nevada situation with Illegal Immigrants... The more I watch the more pissed off I become, but never shock/surprised by the actions of treatment towards people of color in these "United States"
Why does the Country have to be protected from Immigrants???
America doesn't protect its people yet wants to protect the people its not protecting from illegal aliens.... Where is the Logic????
When the FDA Approves Pharmaceuticals that are Worse the Illegal Drugs.. You're Not Protecting Your People
When police brutality against colored people is rewarded with a slap on the wrist after cold blooded murders... You're Not Protecting Your People
When chips are put in dogs and people, when people are starving and homeless in one of the richest countries on the planet, when people are being experimented on with out their knowledge... You're Not Protecting Your People
When a lot of Louisiana is still ravished from hurricane Katrina... You're Not Protecting Your People
When you send troops out to fight a war in a land that has nothing to do with the so called enemy where you have ulterior motives.... You're Not Protecting Your People
When the majority of prisoners in jail are black and brown people serving long time for petty crimes... You're Not Protecting Your People
If Education is so Vital and Paramount for this Nation to lead the path way of the Future, why is the public school system so disturbingly behind other nations and why does college have to be paid for???? This Is NotProtecting the Future of this Nation
When Distractions are Emphasized and Truth is Ignored.... You're Not Protecting Your People
And you're trying to tell me I'm endangered by immigrants looking for work and play a big part in the economy and who aren't coming here to join the government to punish me??? GTFOH!!
Immigrants mostly work in Farming, Building maintenance, Restaurants and Construction
So I guess they'll dig a hole on a farm, do some construction maintenance building big ass underground bomb pipe lines leading to the major cities and blow up Americans in 5 star restaurants SMFH!
Its all a Disillusion/Distractions to make the people believe a government is doing what it really isn't and not handling Serious Threats against its People and Pure Racist!
We the People Need to Protect Ourselves from the System!
Maybe i'm missing something, Let me know if I am
Why does the Country have to be protected from Immigrants???
America doesn't protect its people yet wants to protect the people its not protecting from illegal aliens.... Where is the Logic????
When the FDA Approves Pharmaceuticals that are Worse the Illegal Drugs.. You're Not Protecting Your People
When police brutality against colored people is rewarded with a slap on the wrist after cold blooded murders... You're Not Protecting Your People
When chips are put in dogs and people, when people are starving and homeless in one of the richest countries on the planet, when people are being experimented on with out their knowledge... You're Not Protecting Your People
When a lot of Louisiana is still ravished from hurricane Katrina... You're Not Protecting Your People
When you send troops out to fight a war in a land that has nothing to do with the so called enemy where you have ulterior motives.... You're Not Protecting Your People
When the majority of prisoners in jail are black and brown people serving long time for petty crimes... You're Not Protecting Your People
If Education is so Vital and Paramount for this Nation to lead the path way of the Future, why is the public school system so disturbingly behind other nations and why does college have to be paid for???? This Is NotProtecting the Future of this Nation
When Distractions are Emphasized and Truth is Ignored.... You're Not Protecting Your People
And you're trying to tell me I'm endangered by immigrants looking for work and play a big part in the economy and who aren't coming here to join the government to punish me??? GTFOH!!
Immigrants mostly work in Farming, Building maintenance, Restaurants and Construction
So I guess they'll dig a hole on a farm, do some construction maintenance building big ass underground bomb pipe lines leading to the major cities and blow up Americans in 5 star restaurants SMFH!
Its all a Disillusion/Distractions to make the people believe a government is doing what it really isn't and not handling Serious Threats against its People and Pure Racist!
We the People Need to Protect Ourselves from the System!
Maybe i'm missing something, Let me know if I am
Corrupt Government,
Country Ownership,
Police State,
Saturday, July 24, 2010
© Synthetic Ignorance
Speak on the Stage you Have when the World is Watching
We Embrace Celebrities who Don't Embrace Social Issues
Some of you love celebrities more than you love your self
Celebrities who care more for their endorsements and scared to death to address injustice
Music is supposed to be journalism trusted
Maybe if the P-O-L-I-C-E (Poison Operation legalized In Citizen Execution) murdered your fav celebrity in cold blood then you would pay attention to what's in front of your face
There is NO Post-racism in America... The Posts of the White House and Lincoln Memorial are holding the Racism up
We forget since 1996 6 million people have died and been marred in the Congo..
Blood Diamonds/Disease/Starvation/De Beers
Yet we remember what our favorite celebrities colors are
We forget to pay Attention to our Children
but remember to blame any and everything else for their Failures as Adults
We Exert Energy on Haters (that mostly exist in your mind) and ratchet people and not Bleed that same Disgust for Corrupt Governments and Corporations
As long as we stay fly all else is irrelevant...
Well Ignoring everything Poisonous to Our People is a Turbulence that shatters the Wingspan of your Peoples Potential
Keep Oiling the Engine of your Ego with Synthetic Ignorance
My Ancestors didn't look like barbie
.....don't Confuse a forced Perception of beauty with Natural true Beauty
Our Moral/financial Priorities are bloody ass backwards...
We have therapy/schools/air lines for dogs- yet there's homeless starving kids and adults in this U.S.A
We embrace fantasy and Ignore Reality
....its the nature of the human when we fear loosing the comforts we have (like living) -which Really Isn't a Comfort when you live under a Police State
We Continuously Ignore Signs as they Consistently Ignite Mines
So keep walking Blind
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
We Embrace Celebrities who Don't Embrace Social Issues
Some of you love celebrities more than you love your self
Celebrities who care more for their endorsements and scared to death to address injustice
Music is supposed to be journalism trusted
Maybe if the P-O-L-I-C-E (Poison Operation legalized In Citizen Execution) murdered your fav celebrity in cold blood then you would pay attention to what's in front of your face
There is NO Post-racism in America... The Posts of the White House and Lincoln Memorial are holding the Racism up
We forget since 1996 6 million people have died and been marred in the Congo..
Blood Diamonds/Disease/Starvation/De Beers
Yet we remember what our favorite celebrities colors are
We forget to pay Attention to our Children
but remember to blame any and everything else for their Failures as Adults
We Exert Energy on Haters (that mostly exist in your mind) and ratchet people and not Bleed that same Disgust for Corrupt Governments and Corporations
As long as we stay fly all else is irrelevant...
Well Ignoring everything Poisonous to Our People is a Turbulence that shatters the Wingspan of your Peoples Potential
Keep Oiling the Engine of your Ego with Synthetic Ignorance
My Ancestors didn't look like barbie
.....don't Confuse a forced Perception of beauty with Natural true Beauty
Our Moral/financial Priorities are bloody ass backwards...
We have therapy/schools/air lines for dogs- yet there's homeless starving kids and adults in this U.S.A
We embrace fantasy and Ignore Reality
....its the nature of the human when we fear loosing the comforts we have (like living) -which Really Isn't a Comfort when you live under a Police State
We Continuously Ignore Signs as they Consistently Ignite Mines
So keep walking Blind
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Police State,
Self Oppression,
Warped Groupies
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
© Pay Attention to Everything
This is our Moment to Recreate
As if the last black child on earth was born and humanity has to face its fate
This is Our Moment to recycle our Independence of Freedom
As if our free will was kidnapped and bloody in a basement of a merciless season
This is our Moment to Reclaim the Essence of Being
We've had our Rights Oppressed to the point where Death has to Scream
Let them Free
Let them Free
We're Obligated to Save this Earth
We deserve to be the last in Existence -when our Persistence is the Worse
Blood Shot Tears and Missing Limbs -for Diamonds in the Rough
Everything force fed is lying in Lust
Visions of preventable sufferation is the most sensible Touch
My tongue can't conjure what my heart can't Register
Choice is a syllable so many oppressed tongues have never Slurred
Our Children
Born on the first- Poisoned on the 2nd and Dead on the Third
Experimentations leading to SIDS
Scientist Injecting Diseases in Secret
This is our moment to recreate
Awareness of all who poison us
Fight for Humanity
This is the Moment
We Exist for
To Erase Corrupt Oppressive Governments/Assassin Scientist/Corporate Cancers
We give $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to Non Profit Organizations that Organize Not Giving the profit to the Purpose
Give Prayer
The ones in Power are Cold Hearted and Greed/Power/Money/Evil are their only Layers
Water is the New War
Pay Attention to Everything
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
As if the last black child on earth was born and humanity has to face its fate
This is Our Moment to recycle our Independence of Freedom
As if our free will was kidnapped and bloody in a basement of a merciless season
This is our Moment to Reclaim the Essence of Being
We've had our Rights Oppressed to the point where Death has to Scream
Let them Free
Let them Free
We're Obligated to Save this Earth
We deserve to be the last in Existence -when our Persistence is the Worse
Blood Shot Tears and Missing Limbs -for Diamonds in the Rough
Everything force fed is lying in Lust
Visions of preventable sufferation is the most sensible Touch
My tongue can't conjure what my heart can't Register
Choice is a syllable so many oppressed tongues have never Slurred
Our Children
Born on the first- Poisoned on the 2nd and Dead on the Third
Experimentations leading to SIDS
Scientist Injecting Diseases in Secret
This is our moment to recreate
Awareness of all who poison us
Fight for Humanity
This is the Moment
We Exist for
To Erase Corrupt Oppressive Governments/Assassin Scientist/Corporate Cancers
We give $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ to Non Profit Organizations that Organize Not Giving the profit to the Purpose
Give Prayer
The ones in Power are Cold Hearted and Greed/Power/Money/Evil are their only Layers
Water is the New War
Pay Attention to Everything
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Corrupt Government,
Human Rights,
Social Issues,
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Childhood Obesity
Childhood Obesity is a Serious Issue we need to pay more Attention!
Healthcare begins with feeding your kids healthy food from a very early age and regular exercising.
We can't complain as adults about our health when we haven't treated our selves healthy and pass these bad traits of unhealthiness to our Children.
You can't want our President or Government to provide health care when you're feeding your 2 year old McDonalds, fried Chicken and Chinese food most days out of the week. Kids are eating too many manufactored hormon induced foods (fast foods, canned, frozen)... be aware that all of this USDA approved meat has been injected with growth hormones experimented with... This all poisons the young body and leads to early high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes, youth death and etc...
You're killing these childrens oppurtunities to reach a healthy adulthood to attain goals. There are children across the globe with no food, we"re feeding our kids every day with poison products.
Exercising is Essential, can't have your kids eating trash and playing video games all day...
Once Again: Healthcare begins with feeding your kids healthy food from a very early age and regular exercising.
Healthcare begins with feeding your kids healthy food from a very early age and regular exercising.
We can't complain as adults about our health when we haven't treated our selves healthy and pass these bad traits of unhealthiness to our Children.
You can't want our President or Government to provide health care when you're feeding your 2 year old McDonalds, fried Chicken and Chinese food most days out of the week. Kids are eating too many manufactored hormon induced foods (fast foods, canned, frozen)... be aware that all of this USDA approved meat has been injected with growth hormones experimented with... This all poisons the young body and leads to early high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Type 2 diabetes, youth death and etc...
You're killing these childrens oppurtunities to reach a healthy adulthood to attain goals. There are children across the globe with no food, we"re feeding our kids every day with poison products.
Exercising is Essential, can't have your kids eating trash and playing video games all day...
Once Again: Healthcare begins with feeding your kids healthy food from a very early age and regular exercising.
Fast Food,
Hormon Induced,
Youth Health
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
© Love From the Arms of Hell
Love from the Arms of Hell
Eternity became the stench of Agonies Smell
A strategy so deep the mentally challenged can Spell
But how do you disturb the mind of a fucked up Heart
We're the fluent rhythm of a subtracted togetherness like Syllables
Our celibate minds indulge in sadomasichist manipulations of mindless Pleasures
Infinity is a timeless Measure to our extension of Pain
The lies you told Acupuncture every hidden nerve in my Brain
Like the core of the sun on the nerve of an exposed scar Tissue
I was once was Head of State
Till our Marriage become a war Issue
And our poison towards each other drafted our under age kids to take sides on who dies/who lives
These waters are a foot shallow but too rigged to use a Bridge
You used to be my Muse to Live
Sex was so Wet water was like dust compared to It
Sucked so Good another couldn't cum near to It
Once your Saturn star
Now am a dim lit nova sitting in the Nose Bleed section of the Galaxy watching star wars
Leaving bleach with tar Scars
Leaving reach out of our kids Hands
This season reached its Span
Between U and I
And it feels like Love from the Arms of Hell
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Eternity became the stench of Agonies Smell
A strategy so deep the mentally challenged can Spell
But how do you disturb the mind of a fucked up Heart
We're the fluent rhythm of a subtracted togetherness like Syllables
Our celibate minds indulge in sadomasichist manipulations of mindless Pleasures
Infinity is a timeless Measure to our extension of Pain
The lies you told Acupuncture every hidden nerve in my Brain
Like the core of the sun on the nerve of an exposed scar Tissue
I was once was Head of State
Till our Marriage become a war Issue
And our poison towards each other drafted our under age kids to take sides on who dies/who lives
These waters are a foot shallow but too rigged to use a Bridge
You used to be my Muse to Live
Sex was so Wet water was like dust compared to It
Sucked so Good another couldn't cum near to It
Once your Saturn star
Now am a dim lit nova sitting in the Nose Bleed section of the Galaxy watching star wars
Leaving bleach with tar Scars
Leaving reach out of our kids Hands
This season reached its Span
Between U and I
And it feels like Love from the Arms of Hell
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Art Appreciation

Sad to say I don't aim for Black people in this Country (U.S.A) as a target for selling my Art (drawings and Paintings especially)
This is not all Black people in the U.S. Its just that my people would rather spend alot of $$$$$$$ on sneakers/shades/boots/purses/cars all that loose value after purchase.. where as Art work especially paintings gain value... We put to much money in other people's pockets and not our own-
I believe there's a big lack of appreciation for the arts in this region from my people.. When I travel over seas to Europe I get more love/interest/ackowledgement for what I put into my art by black people
Just my opinion from Experience because i'm sure there's Black people in the U.S. that Appreciate and buy Visual Arts.. I'm looking for them hahaha
Art Appreciation,
Black People,
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Dead Beat Decisions
Dudes who don't Raise/Provide/Care for their kids I have NO Respect for you... Why bring life into this world and not provide Guidance/Love/Knowledge/Sacrafice/Shelter/Opportunities????? You dudes are Monumental Failures!
with that said....
I know/hear a lot of young Girls/Women complaining about the dead-beat dads of their multiple kids -and most of them are full of shit!
If you lay down with a dude that you knew was no good, has kids with another girls that he's not taking care of and he has nothing progressive moving in his lifes path, why the fuck would you lay down with him and breed his seeds????
You are the dumb ass and you are the true dead beat cause you bring kids into this world by a worthless dude knowing the boys you lay with will do absolutely nothing for the kids.
If you were unresponsable enough to let him nut in you raw you are slao to blame smfh...
So stop bitching about what he isn't doing as a father when you knew he wasn't shit and wasn't being father to any of his many seeds! Now you want a good dude (the dude you never gave the time of day before) to take care of you and your kids because you're bitter and desperate now??? GTFOH!
with that said....
I know/hear a lot of young Girls/Women complaining about the dead-beat dads of their multiple kids -and most of them are full of shit!
If you lay down with a dude that you knew was no good, has kids with another girls that he's not taking care of and he has nothing progressive moving in his lifes path, why the fuck would you lay down with him and breed his seeds????
You are the dumb ass and you are the true dead beat cause you bring kids into this world by a worthless dude knowing the boys you lay with will do absolutely nothing for the kids.
If you were unresponsable enough to let him nut in you raw you are slao to blame smfh...
So stop bitching about what he isn't doing as a father when you knew he wasn't shit and wasn't being father to any of his many seeds! Now you want a good dude (the dude you never gave the time of day before) to take care of you and your kids because you're bitter and desperate now??? GTFOH!
Dead Beat,
fathers Day,
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
© Passion Ice Jones
Intelligence is what life Intoxicates...
If wisdom was porn knowledge would be orgasmic to the simple mind
with out sight
vision can still be amplified
Instinct turns the unknown from being blind
Build on the strengths of Experience to put time behind
so it doesn't run out like an infinite line
Loyal tongues Crown the clit and put the pussy on a Shrine
till it cums concurrent as water aligned
I am the author of the mind
I have entrepreneurial goals to shivers inventions spine
Nothing is a Right, everything is a Privilege
Nothing is all right if everything is Limited
You began with Life and death should be the last thing you finish with
Your legacy is where you're spirited
Bravery is unconditional like Slavery is unconditional
I give you love to age with me unconditional
This kind of potency is un-traditional
We leave them so deep in disbelief they define our perseverance (past and present) as mythical
Is your fact Truly an Act for Residuals???
I'm so focused in my aura not even air is Invisible
I pleasure the Universe like each Galaxy is a Vagina
I'm Dark and laid back
too cool
like an Eclipse on a Recliner
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
If wisdom was porn knowledge would be orgasmic to the simple mind
with out sight
vision can still be amplified
Instinct turns the unknown from being blind
Build on the strengths of Experience to put time behind
so it doesn't run out like an infinite line
Loyal tongues Crown the clit and put the pussy on a Shrine
till it cums concurrent as water aligned
I am the author of the mind
I have entrepreneurial goals to shivers inventions spine
Nothing is a Right, everything is a Privilege
Nothing is all right if everything is Limited
You began with Life and death should be the last thing you finish with
Your legacy is where you're spirited
Bravery is unconditional like Slavery is unconditional
I give you love to age with me unconditional
This kind of potency is un-traditional
We leave them so deep in disbelief they define our perseverance (past and present) as mythical
Is your fact Truly an Act for Residuals???
I'm so focused in my aura not even air is Invisible
I pleasure the Universe like each Galaxy is a Vagina
I'm Dark and laid back
too cool
like an Eclipse on a Recliner
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010

I want to see Obama achieve a lot and be very successful in turning this country around and make it a better Environment to Live/Grow/Excel in
Outside of the Media.. These are opinions I hear from people about Obama
I've heard a lot of opinions on Obama... A lot of people say that he's not holding up his promises of change, such as in wall street, the war in Afghanistan. I heard the comparison of Obama/Osama. I've heard that he's a failure already because he has the power to make a lot happen such as having executive power...
A lot of people aren't happy with the health care bill that passed and mostly because there's no public option included. I hear a lot about Race being everything in why the republicans are fighting against him so hard
People also feel that change doesn't come this quick, especially with the ratchet conditions our country (From Reagon to Bush, this country has been sold out and China owns this country, nothing much is made in America anymore, those manufacturing jobs have been sold overseas-- do some research)
Jobs that have been outsourced need to be insoucre along with new jobs being created, if you loose a lot of establishments of employment you lessen the opportunity of home grown currency circulating and advancing the economy, We Import way more than we Export... part of his solution to employment growth is encouraging small business owners with tax cuts and mandatory healthcare for employees
Some people feel he needs to be more forceful with his approach to issues such as employment
Next time you walk into good ole wal-mart think about how much you're paying, how much are the employees being paid, how little the items were made for and how less the people over seas get and the conditions they live in...........think about the same thing when you buy a pair of those fresh Jordans (but then again that's too much for people to think)
In my opinion Obama definitely needs to be more aggressive and dead the bipartisan experiment... if republicans fight you 100% in every progressive achievement you try accomplish for the people then fuck them!
I personally don't know how government operates inside or out, but I believe its mostly ambitious people who begin with visions for better life living for the people but end up corrupted and greedy for the rich/powerful/ego driven life style... and the goal of bettering life for the people are shitted on
At the end of the day Obama is not the savior.. If you hold your standards to him as a savior you deserve your disappointment... He's here to change a lot of what has been done wrong (this is what he says)... Government runs this country so maybe he's a puppet for the show
Democrats and Republicans sleep in the same bed.. Who should the sheets (we the people) Trust????
Everything is a side show from the truth (Politics/Media)
What's your Opinion????
Country Ownership,
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
© Saving
When You're young You Want To Save The World
When You're Old You Want To Save Your Self
When You're Wise You Want To Save Your Children
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
When You're Old You Want To Save Your Self
When You're Wise You Want To Save Your Children
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Fake "Friends"
Watch out for fake friends
When they see you succeed their envy and jealousy will show its ass in many ways Fake smiles and hugs that aren't genuine and your spirit will tell your mind
but sometimes your heart refuses to accept because you love and believe in this friend
Sometimes it takes people out side of your circle to put you on to your fake "friends"
You have people who fail in life, because they quit or never tried, who see you go hard on your path and attain your goals and they despise you for their own down fall
Then you have people who support you to see how the can benifit from your achievements in life
The worse of these fake friends are family
Know who's in your circle... make sure they're positive, progressive on their on path as well as yours.. make sure they're genuine and you're not wasting your trust/time/existence with them
When they see you succeed their envy and jealousy will show its ass in many ways Fake smiles and hugs that aren't genuine and your spirit will tell your mind
but sometimes your heart refuses to accept because you love and believe in this friend
Sometimes it takes people out side of your circle to put you on to your fake "friends"
You have people who fail in life, because they quit or never tried, who see you go hard on your path and attain your goals and they despise you for their own down fall
Then you have people who support you to see how the can benifit from your achievements in life
The worse of these fake friends are family
Know who's in your circle... make sure they're positive, progressive on their on path as well as yours.. make sure they're genuine and you're not wasting your trust/time/existence with them
Poison Family,
Self Esteem,
Friday, June 4, 2010
© Tongue Your Pink Chocolate

This Passionate Exxxstasy doesn't Quit
I could put kiwi slices in your pussy and suck them off your lips
Pulsating your vulva with stimulation till its swollen thick
And dark as an Eclipse
Lick across my collar bone and run the edge of your teeth down my abs
Run your lips across my pelvis to my shaft
I got a curve where degrees of calculus couldn't calculate the math
The technique is clean yet so Brash
Ride the curve till your body language is slurred
till your squirts stutter on my tongue
U can spit the truth or swallow these heroes unsung
I wana tongue your pink chocolate
This Passionate Exxxstasy doesn't Quit
I get Submerged in that pink chocolate Myst
Laminating my lips with every drip my tongue missed
Pulling the panties aside by the strap
Suck the lips from the back
Spread them open to faucet that water tap
Consistant Penetration in your moist walls
Your lips grinding the curve side ways got you moaning till your voice falls
I pull out cause its too wet to believe and dip back in cause its to moist to leave
Put pressure on your pelvis, two fingers stilmulating the grafenberg
Sucking the clit till your thighs lock in my head
Knees bend in from legs extended
The back arches in.... hips visciously flip at acute angles
Soon to reach a peak the nerves of pleasure strangle
Your pussy thirst what's thick
So I work with width
Life without Pleasure is Life without Birth
Life without Passion is Life without Worth
I wana tongue your Pink Chocolate
This Passionate Exxxstasy doesn't Quit
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
© Selective Service
Black is magic.. We Subtract from Average
There's a Bill for Political Anarchy filled with Acts of Savage
I force tips like taxes
Potent with Passion
Can't raise your kids right if you can't Speak and Lead with Truth
War isn't something I salute
Love is a beast in disguise and truth is a lease in lies when facts aren't paid in full behind empty stories
Stories as empty as stairs to levels with just frames and studs
The human genetic can be a worse stain than blood
Writing keeps me open like the Pussy of fame
Dripping down the lips of my ego spread eagle -like a phoenix in sequence
Kerosene ink is magically explosive like ether in rain
Till my wrist is at a strain yet estranged to quitting
Being true to self takes heart
that Explains what You're Missing
And this is my brain on winning
The way we poison -earth -air and sea :why should the equinox retain spinning??
Unions are Lost
Boys can't Reclaim Women
While men wanna be Renamed Women
Now asking women and men to be linked by the Lung
Is like asking an idiot to think while he Cum
Sex is more than well hung
Incomplete is well done
But nothing is more full circle than stimulation before cum
Let's walk this mile to the edge till people ask "?where are your feet from?"
Her birth control is the substitution of deep tongue
There's nothing to attain in your Change like Foreign Currency for Domestic Purchase
Can you still Love Unconditional if your Heart beats with Selective Service
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
There's a Bill for Political Anarchy filled with Acts of Savage
I force tips like taxes
Potent with Passion
Can't raise your kids right if you can't Speak and Lead with Truth
War isn't something I salute
Love is a beast in disguise and truth is a lease in lies when facts aren't paid in full behind empty stories
Stories as empty as stairs to levels with just frames and studs
The human genetic can be a worse stain than blood
Writing keeps me open like the Pussy of fame
Dripping down the lips of my ego spread eagle -like a phoenix in sequence
Kerosene ink is magically explosive like ether in rain
Till my wrist is at a strain yet estranged to quitting
Being true to self takes heart
that Explains what You're Missing
And this is my brain on winning
The way we poison -earth -air and sea :why should the equinox retain spinning??
Unions are Lost
Boys can't Reclaim Women
While men wanna be Renamed Women
Now asking women and men to be linked by the Lung
Is like asking an idiot to think while he Cum
Sex is more than well hung
Incomplete is well done
But nothing is more full circle than stimulation before cum
Let's walk this mile to the edge till people ask "?where are your feet from?"
Her birth control is the substitution of deep tongue
There's nothing to attain in your Change like Foreign Currency for Domestic Purchase
Can you still Love Unconditional if your Heart beats with Selective Service
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Thursday, May 27, 2010
© Don't Get Your Pussy Exposed
I'm tighter than Precious in skinny Jeans
by any means unnecessary your ignorance is Legendary
here's some education
I take time with mediation like crime Legislation, for Caucasians
I'm raw cajun
The Untouchable Freak of Nature..
Multiply so much you think I sleep with Asia, The continent
I'm prominent yet dominant with danger
My penmanship is pussy cause giving birth is its Nature
With the element of cesareans to many men
Speak out spoken inner Thoughts
I'm not saying she's a hoe but she's known for keeping her mouth open in the Dark
Don't Get Your Pussy Exposed
I spoke with precision when I quote your Indecision
You poison your position when you speak realize my vision is too deep for your frail Eyes
There's a defect in their Domes
Immediately the government needs to secretly recall their Clones
This life is a Loan
I'm crafting this illegitimate legacy out of Stone
I'm african decent euro repellent fuck how long it took to build Rome
You flex with a clueless Behavior
And that's how they warp you on who is your Savior
To question with no discretion should be your Nature
Don't Get Your Pussy Exposed
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
by any means unnecessary your ignorance is Legendary
here's some education
I take time with mediation like crime Legislation, for Caucasians
I'm raw cajun
The Untouchable Freak of Nature..
Multiply so much you think I sleep with Asia, The continent
I'm prominent yet dominant with danger
My penmanship is pussy cause giving birth is its Nature
With the element of cesareans to many men
Speak out spoken inner Thoughts
I'm not saying she's a hoe but she's known for keeping her mouth open in the Dark
Don't Get Your Pussy Exposed
I spoke with precision when I quote your Indecision
You poison your position when you speak realize my vision is too deep for your frail Eyes
There's a defect in their Domes
Immediately the government needs to secretly recall their Clones
This life is a Loan
I'm crafting this illegitimate legacy out of Stone
I'm african decent euro repellent fuck how long it took to build Rome
You flex with a clueless Behavior
And that's how they warp you on who is your Savior
To question with no discretion should be your Nature
Don't Get Your Pussy Exposed
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Hygiene Please!
Proper Hygiene is a MUST! Too many "Adults" in the street smelling crazy!
I could never understand/comprehend how "some people" and I wont name cultures loll, But you shouldn't be in Public smelling disrespectful to my privilege of smell... I Know you smell your self (or maybe you don't cause you're accsutomed to it)
No Adult should be smelling reckless outside of their home.. niether should they have their kids smelling bad either SMFH!
I'm not laying down with a woman who I can smell from the Bodega, I'm just saying SMFH
I could never understand/comprehend how "some people" and I wont name cultures loll, But you shouldn't be in Public smelling disrespectful to my privilege of smell... I Know you smell your self (or maybe you don't cause you're accsutomed to it)
No Adult should be smelling reckless outside of their home.. niether should they have their kids smelling bad either SMFH!
I'm not laying down with a woman who I can smell from the Bodega, I'm just saying SMFH
Robot Religion
We Live and been Living in a Police State
We have no Freedom or Protection
Chips in Dogs... retina scaning.. Finger print scanning recording everything we do everywhere we go, Human cloning.. War and forced fear, some (man made) Set up Disasters
to Control the masses to keep minds warped and under pressure, to keep minds closed from rebelion.. We are Humans not Robots to be controled! Open your Vision to everything in Process around U cause We have no Idea whats being done against Us!
Man is Capable of science we cant begin to Comprehend
We have no Freedom or Protection
Chips in Dogs... retina scaning.. Finger print scanning recording everything we do everywhere we go, Human cloning.. War and forced fear, some (man made) Set up Disasters
to Control the masses to keep minds warped and under pressure, to keep minds closed from rebelion.. We are Humans not Robots to be controled! Open your Vision to everything in Process around U cause We have no Idea whats being done against Us!
Man is Capable of science we cant begin to Comprehend
Police State,
© When High

When High
Her Impeccable Speech... Similar to Ignorance wove with Wisdom to Evaluate both ends of a Black and White spectrum
This shit is beyond the rectum
Her Exterior is a Biracial Beauty but her Immune System Investigates the Racial Tension between the White (Pilgrim) blood cells and (Indian) Red blood
When High
She quotes "Fake friends master the science of a dead hug"
I quote "Visionaries are Invisible to first sight but Blinding when Registered to the retina"
But genetics couldn't pair us, couldn't define our thread, couldn't evoke our ancestry
When Sober
We lack a Deep Connection
Sound can only walk a Bridge of Air so far
Light can only penetrate a League of Water so shallow
Yet we evaluate elements of levitation when high
We Invest in the depth of communication when high
Invest in Mutual funds, prophet from mental seeds, freeing contaminated minds, preserving heated moments as laminated time, when high
When Sober- -We touchdown
...with blind wisdom as souvenirs we never unwrap
When our eyes are smoked
She quotes "Don't get your false image tarnished by Truth"
I quote "Ignorance of truth is the potent poison of misleading images"
Our spirits are a science on a high so limitless... Only if we could fly when we walk
Never the same sober.. So realities pain is never over
This poisonous luxury strikes like a leather cobra
When High - Our Turbulence is Tolerance on our final descent
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
© On My Decisions
Does Wisdom possess Faith
Or Science
Is the nature of Man Hate
Or Defiance
This is My Reliance on Your Vision
Is a childs death after birth, its destiny
Or is SIDI a Scientific Experimental Entity
You're so Existential Mentally
Its the food, We Eat
Injected with Intrepid Deceit
Everything Earth Tone they Bleach
You're so Deceptive
I'm so Un-Receptive- of your bullshit Preach
I'm on a higher, your false messiah will never reach
This is my Reliance, on My Decisions
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Or Science
Is the nature of Man Hate
Or Defiance
This is My Reliance on Your Vision
Is a childs death after birth, its destiny
Or is SIDI a Scientific Experimental Entity
You're so Existential Mentally
Its the food, We Eat
Injected with Intrepid Deceit
Everything Earth Tone they Bleach
You're so Deceptive
I'm so Un-Receptive- of your bullshit Preach
I'm on a higher, your false messiah will never reach
This is my Reliance, on My Decisions
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
© Shut Lid Visions
As is desired.. Kissed assist this fire
Anorexic Bonefied
This is Bone-Marrow on High
like breathing is a lease on life
With a wicked work of words
I'm breeding the preachers wife
How can visions escape shut Lids
Baby I'm so Sophisticated my wrist bones are cuff links
I plead for you to leave me
I'm Possessed
I bleed for you to need me
I'm Obsessed
Our fears have Conquered Death
Our dare has lined up Existence Next
The Throat of the galaxy best take a deep breath
Cause when we're through
Religion will have no speech left
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Anorexic Bonefied
This is Bone-Marrow on High
like breathing is a lease on life
With a wicked work of words
I'm breeding the preachers wife
How can visions escape shut Lids
Baby I'm so Sophisticated my wrist bones are cuff links
I plead for you to leave me
I'm Possessed
I bleed for you to need me
I'm Obsessed
Our fears have Conquered Death
Our dare has lined up Existence Next
The Throat of the galaxy best take a deep breath
Cause when we're through
Religion will have no speech left
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Saturday, April 17, 2010
© My Planet on Mute
Liquefy my Mind
Redefine the abstract obscure to realigned
Electrify my limited sight to an expanded vision collecting the scope of collective elements
So I can experience your kind
Of thought ...un-processed but well constructed
Molest my mind and keep it abducted- its 7am but the strength of black love has the rise of the sun reluctant...we orgasm darkness to dusk
Sink this passion where you part with your lust- -till there's cream around your throbbing cusp
Teach me resilience in a space of cluttered thoughts that can acknowledge free thought
Our connection is the deception between a cycle and restart
Impregnate the Muse to Breed Art
No embryo has a free start
There's still still-birth
There's still SIDS
There's still an absence of power in Religion
There's still life leaving after birth
And Through This Life
You're Still There but Never Here
Capture the Purity of Raw Unaware Enthusiasm like a wild child
I'll hack black water so the government won't keep your foreign skin on file
I'm in lust with the way you walk a thought the distance of a mental mile...when a speckle of the subject was never on your mind
You're such a photographic deception...
There still is the truth hidden to the naked eye
There still is the image of illusive truth
There still is your ownership of my freedom
There still is nothing that can be redone
There still is hate for element that collects you as a human inhumane
This is My Planet on Mute
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Redefine the abstract obscure to realigned
Electrify my limited sight to an expanded vision collecting the scope of collective elements
So I can experience your kind
Of thought ...un-processed but well constructed
Molest my mind and keep it abducted- its 7am but the strength of black love has the rise of the sun reluctant...we orgasm darkness to dusk
Sink this passion where you part with your lust- -till there's cream around your throbbing cusp
Teach me resilience in a space of cluttered thoughts that can acknowledge free thought
Our connection is the deception between a cycle and restart
Impregnate the Muse to Breed Art
No embryo has a free start
There's still still-birth
There's still SIDS
There's still an absence of power in Religion
There's still life leaving after birth
And Through This Life
You're Still There but Never Here
Capture the Purity of Raw Unaware Enthusiasm like a wild child
I'll hack black water so the government won't keep your foreign skin on file
I'm in lust with the way you walk a thought the distance of a mental mile...when a speckle of the subject was never on your mind
You're such a photographic deception...
There still is the truth hidden to the naked eye
There still is the image of illusive truth
There still is your ownership of my freedom
There still is nothing that can be redone
There still is hate for element that collects you as a human inhumane
This is My Planet on Mute
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Friday, April 16, 2010
Arrivederci (Aweavederci)
Worse Weaves I've sen in my travels has been in London...
I love London women but i'm seeing shit like lace fronts with bald spots, finger wave weaves stiff like bricks, micro braids with bushy ass ends! Road Kill on your head is very Un-Sexy and disrespectful to my sight... SMFH! I'm not picking on London women cause I'm sick of weaves period... just my opinion
I love London women but i'm seeing shit like lace fronts with bald spots, finger wave weaves stiff like bricks, micro braids with bushy ass ends! Road Kill on your head is very Un-Sexy and disrespectful to my sight... SMFH! I'm not picking on London women cause I'm sick of weaves period... just my opinion
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
© Brim of Uncontrolled
I missed her mind
Her Intelligence Perfecting its Prime
Her Incredible Awareness of her Sensuality/Sex appeal
Pinching nerves of my Experience with her Skin Tissue Wisdom
Invading the Void
and full filling the Yearn for Creative Substance
A Nu Coat of Fixated Complexion
At the brim of Uncontrolled Urge to Acquire her Absence
she slides in the Side of my Vision
like sun light cracks through split oak doors caressing the wood panel floor
Almost Exploded ...I imploded
at her Returned Existence as a Poetic Infix Infiltration
There is No Administration
that can Write the Right to this Freedom she gives me in any democratic constitution
I Embrace beyond Belief and lace along her Sweets
a Thickness that's Impeccable when Deep
We are a Birth that Death can't meet
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Her Intelligence Perfecting its Prime
Her Incredible Awareness of her Sensuality/Sex appeal
Pinching nerves of my Experience with her Skin Tissue Wisdom
Invading the Void
and full filling the Yearn for Creative Substance
A Nu Coat of Fixated Complexion
At the brim of Uncontrolled Urge to Acquire her Absence
she slides in the Side of my Vision
like sun light cracks through split oak doors caressing the wood panel floor
Almost Exploded ...I imploded
at her Returned Existence as a Poetic Infix Infiltration
There is No Administration
that can Write the Right to this Freedom she gives me in any democratic constitution
I Embrace beyond Belief and lace along her Sweets
a Thickness that's Impeccable when Deep
We are a Birth that Death can't meet
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
© Euro Bleach
This Eclipse Complexion is the purest Essence of the Equinox at Tilt
Euro Currency has no balance of change to filter the filth of mental conform of what beauty Is
Dark Features are the Synonym of Diamond Coal and Glitter Galaxies
The mystery of dark body language is expressed like a Cripple Adjective on a foreign lisp.... This is what keeps the Blue eye curious/confused between what's visual and what's illusion about the Beauty/Power/Survival/Consistency of a people
As Dusk Bleaches the Sky and darken my Chocolate with earth toned UV rays NU fazed till blue Glazed ...Loving your skin through the consistent suffocation of media and repetitive stifling of societies definition of beauty is True Brave
The Chocolate Context -thick streams- Deep as the Historical path of our Conquest
Why Purposely Fade what's Perfectly Made
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Euro Currency has no balance of change to filter the filth of mental conform of what beauty Is
Dark Features are the Synonym of Diamond Coal and Glitter Galaxies
The mystery of dark body language is expressed like a Cripple Adjective on a foreign lisp.... This is what keeps the Blue eye curious/confused between what's visual and what's illusion about the Beauty/Power/Survival/Consistency of a people
As Dusk Bleaches the Sky and darken my Chocolate with earth toned UV rays NU fazed till blue Glazed ...Loving your skin through the consistent suffocation of media and repetitive stifling of societies definition of beauty is True Brave
The Chocolate Context -thick streams- Deep as the Historical path of our Conquest
Why Purposely Fade what's Perfectly Made
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Monday, April 12, 2010
© Unconditional Passion

Seduced by the diamond charcoal complexion that Indulged the exterior of her interior pink ruby radiance... As legions of liquids laminate her heated inner thighs...
My passion stood memorized like a new born that's never prepared for existing but ambitious for the journey
Where I discovered her Inexperience of Completeness
The bigotry that Pain oppresses upon Love.. Is the segregation between her clitoris and convulsions.. But Mind Stimulation is the ink printed on the bill of Seduction for Emancipation of Orgasms -the Union of Spirit and Pleasure
The slow grinding width of Unconditional full throttle
Ribbed shaft muscles redesigning what ribbed pleasure is ...her vaginal nerves thinner than the air between an eye ball and its lid... Experiencing every dig and Extracting
Her Powerless pulls of Breaths scuffle at the wind pipe trafficking inhaled/exhaled air...and stand still moments of pleasure streaming between the lips of black stars ...dripping like wet oiled paintings slanted at display
We're at a place where limit/shame and second thought has no existence... and fear has no relevance
I'm well Equip to Execute Passion with Excellence... Leaving a Body of Art as Evidence
The Mind Openly Pulsating as teeth slightly scrape down the back with a bottom lip moistening the flesh in preparation
Sex is Best when Its Education for Ignorant Areas of un-learned Satisfaction
A Pleasure that's searched till she javelin squirts!
Eruption Suction, A consumption of sucked tongues till the Nut cums in Continuous Conundrums
Wipe it off the lips
And drip it on the tip of her Licks
The blue print of her Sex Appeal
The Architecture of her Curves..
The foundation of her Mental Stimulation
Builds a House but Her Intelligence builds our Home
Unconditional Passion
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
My All Time Greats {HIP HOP}
Top 11 Rappers
Rakim, Redman, Busta, Nas, Common, Black Thought, Talib Kwali, Mos Def, Raekwon, 2 Pac, Lauryn Hill
Dope Notables
Andre 3000, Kanye, Ludacris, Eminem, Keith Murrey, Lupe, Slick Rick, Ghostface, Kane, Ice Cube
If your favorite rapper isn't up here...Deal With It cause I wasn't Impressed
Rakim, Redman, Busta, Nas, Common, Black Thought, Talib Kwali, Mos Def, Raekwon, 2 Pac, Lauryn Hill
Dope Notables
Andre 3000, Kanye, Ludacris, Eminem, Keith Murrey, Lupe, Slick Rick, Ghostface, Kane, Ice Cube
If your favorite rapper isn't up here...Deal With It cause I wasn't Impressed
Friday, April 2, 2010
Thirsty Ass Negro's aka Thirst Bucket Niggas
There's a lot of Dudes out here that Smash any and every woman walking (Fat, Skinny, Dirty, Low Self Esteem,Dumb Reckless Weaves, baldspot lace fronts, ....Yall get what I mean)
Thats disgusting to me cause I'm a picky dude, If a Grown Woman or Young Woman doesn't make her HYGIENE PRIORITY and/or lets her self loose physically I Can't and Won't deal with or Accept...
If its Sex just for fun and just that, A woman has to turn me on
-SCENT (I love a woman that smells sexy)
-SEX APPEAL (A confident woman knowning she's attractive and exudes it in her speach, walk, touch, eyes)
-HYGIENE (A Clean/Fresh Woman is Extra Sexy) Funky...head wrapped in a rusty weave, Dingy...Dusty...Smelly Women make my muscle soft
But yet there's Thirst-Bucket dudes out here that would sex these nasty birds
Thats disgusting to me cause I'm a picky dude, If a Grown Woman or Young Woman doesn't make her HYGIENE PRIORITY and/or lets her self loose physically I Can't and Won't deal with or Accept...
If its Sex just for fun and just that, A woman has to turn me on
-SCENT (I love a woman that smells sexy)
-SEX APPEAL (A confident woman knowning she's attractive and exudes it in her speach, walk, touch, eyes)
-HYGIENE (A Clean/Fresh Woman is Extra Sexy) Funky...head wrapped in a rusty weave, Dingy...Dusty...Smelly Women make my muscle soft
But yet there's Thirst-Bucket dudes out here that would sex these nasty birds
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
:!: Ink-Thought :!:
Why Does A Healthy New Born Child has To be Injected With Anything???????
Child Birth,
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Do You Know Someone that You Want or Believe You Need
But You Can't Have Them Because of the Situation They're In or Because They Don't Want You..............Then You Meet Someone Very Similar to This Person, Close in Look - Complexion - Laughter - Ideals and Has the Same Kind of Personality and Character......
Question Is:
Are You Interested In This Second Person Because They Are Very Similar
to The First And They're A Subliminal Substitute for That Person?????
Are You Intreseted Because of the Character and Personality Traits of
Both People?????
But You Can't Have Them Because of the Situation They're In or Because They Don't Want You..............Then You Meet Someone Very Similar to This Person, Close in Look - Complexion - Laughter - Ideals and Has the Same Kind of Personality and Character......
Question Is:
Are You Interested In This Second Person Because They Are Very Similar
to The First And They're A Subliminal Substitute for That Person?????
Are You Intreseted Because of the Character and Personality Traits of
Both People?????
Sunday, March 7, 2010
© Her Own Blooded Flesh
She Abandon her Child
in the Vernerable Wilderness of Sexual Abuse
In the Murky suffocation of psychological sodomy
Seeds that sprout Detrimental sea weeds in a cesspool of self hatred
Knowingly She Abandon Her Child
Her Child
Caged in the Spirit Searing Pain Scars from Foced Sexual Advances
Her Child Violated of all Privacy
Touched in areas that has caused her child disgrace of self esteem
Her young Blood Flesh.. hates this kindred
hates this kindred that's an Adult ad-ult Add-Hault who never Added Hault
and Stifled the freedom of this child
and Poisoned their Perception of the opposite Gender
She Abandon Her Child
In the Vernerable Wilderness
Knowing the Beast prowls and letting it Feast
R-Vin H. {ink} ©2008
in the Vernerable Wilderness of Sexual Abuse
In the Murky suffocation of psychological sodomy
Seeds that sprout Detrimental sea weeds in a cesspool of self hatred
Knowingly She Abandon Her Child
Her Child
Caged in the Spirit Searing Pain Scars from Foced Sexual Advances
Her Child Violated of all Privacy
Touched in areas that has caused her child disgrace of self esteem
Her young Blood Flesh.. hates this kindred
hates this kindred that's an Adult ad-ult Add-Hault who never Added Hault
and Stifled the freedom of this child
and Poisoned their Perception of the opposite Gender
She Abandon Her Child
In the Vernerable Wilderness
Knowing the Beast prowls and letting it Feast
R-Vin H. {ink} ©2008
© Life Lung
Put some life in my Lungs
Breath in Me
Breath in me Entirely
Put your life in my Lung
Portrait your life in my Living
My longing to Live
Paint everything you feel about my being.. in Me
Creating textures of ink that create colors I never knew Existed
or Could believe to be... any part of my existing make up
Lure me away, away I can't direct, to indirectly connect
Paint visions one everything you See
percolate deep Visions in shallow blind spots
and Widths of Wisdom in Dark corners
Paint me Purposes not from pathetic Reasons
the Closest Furthest Connection in History of Man
and before you Lung the Truth into my Exterior
I Want to be Everything Possible
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2007
Breath in Me
Breath in me Entirely
Put your life in my Lung
Portrait your life in my Living
My longing to Live
Paint everything you feel about my being.. in Me
Creating textures of ink that create colors I never knew Existed
or Could believe to be... any part of my existing make up
Lure me away, away I can't direct, to indirectly connect
Paint visions one everything you See
percolate deep Visions in shallow blind spots
and Widths of Wisdom in Dark corners
Paint me Purposes not from pathetic Reasons
the Closest Furthest Connection in History of Man
and before you Lung the Truth into my Exterior
I Want to be Everything Possible
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2007
© Burn Down The Soul
Burn down the Soul, like it has no Home
No birth canal, no Conception known
Inflame the Spirit
Burning at the bottom of the ocean Floor
is the body of a slave on a crucifix
While jesus walks Above
Burn down the Soul
It's the power of breathing in the strength of Death
Causing everything to exist Asthmatic
Caught evasive of the common, snese of sight
Existing in my individual Vision
Burning down the soul - arsenic to its Soil
To the 3rd Degree
Burns to the bone marrow of a earth worm
the Arrow of Wisdom through my Heart
and I felt like a pebble of sand on an Iceberg
Burning down my soul through stone dead cold eyes
Touching the soul like it's no body's child
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2007
No birth canal, no Conception known
Inflame the Spirit
Burning at the bottom of the ocean Floor
is the body of a slave on a crucifix
While jesus walks Above
Burn down the Soul
It's the power of breathing in the strength of Death
Causing everything to exist Asthmatic
Caught evasive of the common, snese of sight
Existing in my individual Vision
Burning down the soul - arsenic to its Soil
To the 3rd Degree
Burns to the bone marrow of a earth worm
the Arrow of Wisdom through my Heart
and I felt like a pebble of sand on an Iceberg
Burning down my soul through stone dead cold eyes
Touching the soul like it's no body's child
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2007
© Adjustment
I'm not cold hearted
I'm just conditioned to, Societies wind-chill
I'm not a problem to the public
the Public is a problem to Me
I have Morals
I've just adopted certain immoral acts to contend with imooral challanges
I don't have Hate
Hate places its passion upon the soul of my Reactions
I'm not an idiot
My brain just hasn't realized the rinse cycle the political laundromat has put it Through
I Haven't feel Victim
I have Just Adjusted
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2000
I'm just conditioned to, Societies wind-chill
I'm not a problem to the public
the Public is a problem to Me
I have Morals
I've just adopted certain immoral acts to contend with imooral challanges
I don't have Hate
Hate places its passion upon the soul of my Reactions
I'm not an idiot
My brain just hasn't realized the rinse cycle the political laundromat has put it Through
I Haven't feel Victim
I have Just Adjusted
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2000
© Bullet In My Back
You're A Bullet in my Brain
Damaging my train of Thought
Pellets pulling the pain Apart
Pictating its Pleasure
Paralyzing at its Peak
Staggering my Spiritual Spine of Soul Survival
Sold my life for you like Religion sodl the Bible
Only to be rewritten by lesser powers under the Original Author
my Morality
Changed for You
You were my only Reason to Be, You were like a
rose in the scorching dessert and I was a cloud
that Journeyed on a Odyssey from over the Oceans to Rain
On U
In the beginning
but the Rose turned to a Red skin snake, shedding scales
of rough hate on the grounds my hreart specifically miostened
A fortress of Fire and platoon of poison with passion to
protect me as a person from your cursings
featuring off fiction to attack the fact
You Are a Bullet in my Back
R-Vin H.{Ink} ©1999
Damaging my train of Thought
Pellets pulling the pain Apart
Pictating its Pleasure
Paralyzing at its Peak
Staggering my Spiritual Spine of Soul Survival
Sold my life for you like Religion sodl the Bible
Only to be rewritten by lesser powers under the Original Author
my Morality
Changed for You
You were my only Reason to Be, You were like a
rose in the scorching dessert and I was a cloud
that Journeyed on a Odyssey from over the Oceans to Rain
On U
In the beginning
but the Rose turned to a Red skin snake, shedding scales
of rough hate on the grounds my hreart specifically miostened
A fortress of Fire and platoon of poison with passion to
protect me as a person from your cursings
featuring off fiction to attack the fact
You Are a Bullet in my Back
R-Vin H.{Ink} ©1999
Friday, March 5, 2010
If Pussy Had Power
The Richest 1% would be Pussy
If Pussy Had Staying Power
Men wouldn't Impregnate women and Disappear...
If Pussy Had Power
We'd Have more Female world leaders...
Powerless Pussy
Mans greed and weakness for the temptation possess more power than pussy
Mans ego and fierce thirst for leaving a legacy of destruction for the for those
economically beneath him has Power
Mans Journey to Conquer Land and other Man has Power
Only thirsty men are weak for pussy
Grant it many men have destroyed their careers and family for Pussy
But that's mostly the power and ignorance of their Ego
The Only Power pussy has is holding up while giving Birth
There's Too much pussy on the Market to have any dominant control... the Ratio
is too one sided
If Pussy had power Pussy would run the world
And Most of these Men in Power or of Power don't even Dig pussy
If Pussy had that much Power
The Glass ceiling would be shattered by now and raining on the dicks
And this glass ceiling should be destroyed because I believe if you have the
know and capability you deserve where you should be and advance
If Pussy Had Power.........
Maybe Pussy would have Power when more women learn to work with each other
Building and not fight each other down...
Not all women but the ones who fight each other should join forces
Mans Religion of Power
Mans Faith in Experimenting with People Unaware of the Truth
Mans Prayer to be God in every aspect
Mans Church The of Science of Capitalism
Has power
And with that said
Pussy is Powerless!
R-Vin H.{Ink} ©2010
Sex or Mind Sex
And I REPEAT "A MAN" not boys.. A Man who is Focused with Goals set to Accomplish, Who's grinding to get to where he needs to be in his life so he"ll be better set for a great Relationship
Food is Great and Sex is Great but Nothing Trumps Mind Stimulation.. Intelligence is an Aphrodiasiac for focused people.
This is my opionion on Mind over just Sex....What's yours???
And I REPEAT "A MAN" not boys.. A Man who is Focused with Goals set to Accomplish, Who's grinding to get to where he needs to be in his life so he"ll be better set for a great Relationship
Food is Great and Sex is Great but Nothing Trumps Mind Stimulation.. Intelligence is an Aphrodiasiac for focused people.
This is my opionion on Mind over just Sex....What's yours???
Sunday, February 28, 2010
© Adam and Dawn

If Eve was Adams woman
who was Dawn????
Dawn was deeply Dark and Seductive
with the Stars in her Skin
Though Dawn was no prostitute she was a lady of the Night
her Soul kissed the edges of every ocean when the sun would fade into her Heart
she Creeps in like a Silky Summer Night
she Wears the glare of the Moon as her negliche
Dawn had this special nocturnal air to her
and at times
she looked like the backdrop of the galaxy's Dreams
Dripping Seduction between the lips of a Moist Eclipse
Throbbing till she squirts a Meteor shower
Wetting the lips of the whole in the Ozone
Licking the Equinox till the Earth tilts Hard
The Mustard moon licks the curve of her Lunar Elipse Lips
The World Eats when Dawn Comes
Eve felt like just a left over piece of Rib
Eve knew Dawn was on the way -Again
so she Poisoned the fate of the World
not wanting to loose her man to the Inevitable
R-vin H. {Ink} ©2001
© Man has/Is Written
Its hard to believe any story man has written or writes..
Told or telling....
Its easy to believe the measures man takes to manipulate the warped brain, a people under fear because of examples set when you attempt to be a revolutionary
When you live under a police state you have no freedom nor democracy
There's an allegiance that Exist against the People
Against the Progressive Free Minds that refuse to be Instituted
I believe in nothing man has written and nothing He speaks Conscious or Subliminal...
I Relate to None
Its Easy for you to be Convince by what's written
When I have the Power/Resources/Control to execute what has been written
Its hard to believe any story man has written or writes.. Told or telling....
R-vin H. {Ink} ©2010
Pay Attention To Everything*,
Saturday, February 27, 2010
© A Dreams Crest
Didn't I give you the Confidence
You never knew you Needed
Didn't my soul patch
the scar-tissue your love Bleeded
Wasn't I the silent Relief
when the sound of your sex had an Abstinent Acoustic
Wasn't I the purpose Acquired
When your building belief in life became an Absent Blue-Print
Didn't I
Give youa Chalk... a Diamond couldn't Coal
I came in You
like Siamese Seeds.... Gave you twice the life you Dreamed
You were lost in your own Breed
gave you nights where Moons Bleed
Your Heart knocked on my Chest for Opportunity
I Gave it Hope - On a Dreams Crest
left it Blessed on Eternity's Scope
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2001
You never knew you Needed
Didn't my soul patch
the scar-tissue your love Bleeded
Wasn't I the silent Relief
when the sound of your sex had an Abstinent Acoustic
Wasn't I the purpose Acquired
When your building belief in life became an Absent Blue-Print
Didn't I
Give youa Chalk... a Diamond couldn't Coal
I came in You
like Siamese Seeds.... Gave you twice the life you Dreamed
You were lost in your own Breed
gave you nights where Moons Bleed
Your Heart knocked on my Chest for Opportunity
I Gave it Hope - On a Dreams Crest
left it Blessed on Eternity's Scope
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2001
Friday, February 26, 2010
© Science of Religion
Never lost my mind in a passion - before
My mind has never lost a sense in your Scent
Time has never sought our clever Eternity
I am the Paper
you purchase plain
Your Air is the Ink in a cursive Stain
I believe in U
like a Churches Reign - over man
The orthless rain over sand
my Sound is lost in your Silence
crossed in your Violence
My Nouns
the one-handed ambidextrous weighting for anorexia
my image refluxed in her replica
consecular sectioner
The Arrow of Seduction...shoots from her Para-dice
My blindness has never seen such Captivation - paralyzing blindness to sight
Manipulating Innovisions swetter than the wine is to white in a precise climate
The Priceless orchestration of her Art is stationed in Christ
She dis a pear and every piece of my heart felt like debris that decorate disaster sights
Sacrifice Sapphire Ice
Of denied aim shame was pride on relied Pain
I want her Stronger than belief in a Promise
I need her Deeper than Trust in Expectation
I want her Life like Cancer in the Heart
I Pictured my Religions Naegatives in her polaroid pastures of soiar soil
My World is yours as God gave Adam
You gave sin - as Eve gave Adam
Liek a Tongue she slaves to my Words
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2001
My mind has never lost a sense in your Scent
Time has never sought our clever Eternity
I am the Paper
you purchase plain
Your Air is the Ink in a cursive Stain
I believe in U
like a Churches Reign - over man
The orthless rain over sand
my Sound is lost in your Silence
crossed in your Violence
My Nouns
the one-handed ambidextrous weighting for anorexia
my image refluxed in her replica
consecular sectioner
The Arrow of Seduction...shoots from her Para-dice
My blindness has never seen such Captivation - paralyzing blindness to sight
Manipulating Innovisions swetter than the wine is to white in a precise climate
The Priceless orchestration of her Art is stationed in Christ
She dis a pear and every piece of my heart felt like debris that decorate disaster sights
Sacrifice Sapphire Ice
Of denied aim shame was pride on relied Pain
I want her Stronger than belief in a Promise
I need her Deeper than Trust in Expectation
I want her Life like Cancer in the Heart
I Pictured my Religions Naegatives in her polaroid pastures of soiar soil
My World is yours as God gave Adam
You gave sin - as Eve gave Adam
Liek a Tongue she slaves to my Words
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2001
© Air And Light
I'll live for my second Life
While i die for my First
There's a glitch in heavens Light
I'm an eclipse in my Hurse
But i can fight tragedy
I am a single Ray
in my simple Mind
I'm a bilingual Mime
I was her Umbilical
She was my still Born
I forgot to feed her Soul
And my spirit still Morns
It feels like a waste of a Womb
my wound needs a Grace
Hope is my Heart
Caught in your Smoke
R-Vin H {Ink} ©2001
While i die for my First
There's a glitch in heavens Light
I'm an eclipse in my Hurse
But i can fight tragedy
I am a single Ray
in my simple Mind
I'm a bilingual Mime
I was her Umbilical
She was my still Born
I forgot to feed her Soul
And my spirit still Morns
It feels like a waste of a Womb
my wound needs a Grace
Hope is my Heart
Caught in your Smoke
R-Vin H {Ink} ©2001
© 1 between 1
Our connection is the Depth of Language and word
A relationship sharper than Language and Tongue
and Misunderstood
I touch her where a sense of feel isn't Common
to Release the gates for her Grafenberg to drown In
Take her Body out of Person lost of Place to a Thing
...you couldn't put a noun In
I Smoke her body out
Like Its a gateway to Passion
Till her Complexion can't handle her skin
A struggle that makes the Conjoined Embrya strangle its twin
No Eclipse can bring this Exstacy to a Dim
We Bridge Like Every Moment ...between Birth and Death and Sin
like they're no Churches and only Virgins Left When I Holder...
Hold Her the Aim is to give her Orgasms till Her Clitoris is bi-polar
.....Generating Solar Energy
R-Vin H {Ink} ©2007
A relationship sharper than Language and Tongue
and Misunderstood
I touch her where a sense of feel isn't Common
to Release the gates for her Grafenberg to drown In
Take her Body out of Person lost of Place to a Thing
...you couldn't put a noun In
I Smoke her body out
Like Its a gateway to Passion
Till her Complexion can't handle her skin
A struggle that makes the Conjoined Embrya strangle its twin
No Eclipse can bring this Exstacy to a Dim
We Bridge Like Every Moment ...between Birth and Death and Sin
like they're no Churches and only Virgins Left When I Holder...
Hold Her the Aim is to give her Orgasms till Her Clitoris is bi-polar
.....Generating Solar Energy
R-Vin H {Ink} ©2007
© Relative 2 None
A Letter Against the soul
Your Ego pours Envy Cement on my coal
It's why the City Concrete glitters
I Search the edge of the Earth for a Prescription to the Galaxy
to Fix its Retardation of Stardom
Speech is Knowledge
So beer my Tongue if my Speech is Wiser
Than the Ave-Rage of the Riots on Utica in Crownhieghts
A blister in the Lip of Freedom of Speech
Salted by democracy's Alcoholics
It's the Paul barer of Birth
If I deliver what I keep in the back of my Mind
to your Forehead
Could your Brainwaves handle the message that couldn't be bottled-in or Recycled-out
It's DNA forgeting its Root
A Child is born Relative to None - yet non-Religious
Indigenous to the Calm of the Ocean Floor
Whispers in the Soil from a Silent Root that Breeds a Bark
the Wind Dances against the soul of a Dream of A Sudanese Child
So Scared pain can not transfer tears to the side lid of the Eye
of Broken Vision
So naked to the Eye they became See-men
with Portraits that face the course of Age
You Speak as if I were your First Word
A thirst is Heard by the Wolf - deaf to the Shep
I am a Child Birth
The Distance between the first Second created by Man
and the last Hour of the Messiahs Time
So Watch the Wrist I take to Predict Time
Relative 2 None
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2007
Your Ego pours Envy Cement on my coal
It's why the City Concrete glitters
I Search the edge of the Earth for a Prescription to the Galaxy
to Fix its Retardation of Stardom
Speech is Knowledge
So beer my Tongue if my Speech is Wiser
Than the Ave-Rage of the Riots on Utica in Crownhieghts
A blister in the Lip of Freedom of Speech
Salted by democracy's Alcoholics
It's the Paul barer of Birth
If I deliver what I keep in the back of my Mind
to your Forehead
Could your Brainwaves handle the message that couldn't be bottled-in or Recycled-out
It's DNA forgeting its Root
A Child is born Relative to None - yet non-Religious
Indigenous to the Calm of the Ocean Floor
Whispers in the Soil from a Silent Root that Breeds a Bark
the Wind Dances against the soul of a Dream of A Sudanese Child
So Scared pain can not transfer tears to the side lid of the Eye
of Broken Vision
So naked to the Eye they became See-men
with Portraits that face the course of Age
You Speak as if I were your First Word
A thirst is Heard by the Wolf - deaf to the Shep
I am a Child Birth
The Distance between the first Second created by Man
and the last Hour of the Messiahs Time
So Watch the Wrist I take to Predict Time
Relative 2 None
R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2007
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