The Dark Room

The Dark Room
My Abstract Paintings


A Small collage of my works



!NK at the Edge of your Canvas

Bless Up-

I Appreciate Everyone for stopping by my to check out my sanity/passion on display loll..... I didn't want to have a basic blog that i see out there a lot where people blog about celebs 24/7, thats what celebrity TV is for, i'll post about celebs but not 95% of the time...... I'm more about social issues/human rights/random funny shit too. I like my world balanced.... I welcome all opinions whether i agree or not, Speak Your Wrong Mind! hahahaaa ...Enjoy

Hit Me With Your Opinions


Is it Truth or Bullshit??

Sunday, March 7, 2010

© Her Own Blooded Flesh

She Abandon her Child
in the Vernerable Wilderness of Sexual Abuse
In the Murky suffocation of psychological sodomy

Seeds that sprout Detrimental sea weeds in a cesspool of self hatred

Knowingly She Abandon Her Child
Her Child

Caged in the Spirit Searing Pain Scars from Foced Sexual Advances

Her Child Violated of all Privacy

Touched in areas that has caused her child disgrace of self esteem

Her young Blood Flesh.. hates this kindred

hates this kindred that's an Adult ad-ult Add-Hault who never Added Hault
and Stifled the freedom of this child
and Poisoned their Perception of the opposite Gender

She Abandon Her Child
In the Vernerable Wilderness
Knowing the Beast prowls and letting it Feast

R-Vin H. {ink} ©2008


  1. Love this one. Love the breakdown of the mother's forced decision. But it's a typical example of what is happening in the homes across the world.. Profound!

  2. Appreciate the Love.. Its a Sad Situation!
