Cooks for You
Spends Quality Time
Has no Chance
Better Financial Status
More Trust Worthy
Goes Out of Way
Respect is Shown
Could Careless
Doesn’t Give Much Thought About You
Takes You to The Neighborhood Fast Food Spot
Spends Most Time with his Peeps
Gets Every Chance to Fuck Up Repeatedly
Always Borrowing Money and Never Repaying
Trust Always in Question
Disrespect in concurrent in the Relationship
Male Friend: I like you, I Liked you for a while. I can see us on a good path together. I think we should give a relationship a chance.
Female Friend: Oh no., We can’t be together. I don’t want to loose the trust and comfort i have with you. I can confide in you and you don’t judge me for everything. As much as i love you as a friend you’re not my type relationship wise.
I’m not saying the Friend is perfect.. he just has a genuine love/respect for his female friend.. wants to see her happy: This isn't all women just some. Some women know that the volatile situation they're in with the boyfriend is poison and refuse to be involved in a relationship beyond a friendship with a friend.
It comes down to Self Worth and Judgement... Maybe the female friend is at a place in her life where she needs a no good dude to satisfy her current situation as a whole... maybe
Someone Explain the Logic of This to Me
Is it Truth or Bullshit??
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Denied Beyond Friendship
Judgement in Character,
Self Esteem,
Self Worth,
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There's no logic, only hormones. Women, during their immature stage in life, aren't too worried about stability, they want a bad guy, that gives them an adrenaline rush. Sometimes fear and adrenaline get confused with 'love'. It's the rush you get when you have a fight and want to run back to the man. Mature women know what they want, the smart ones understand the bad relationships were a mistake and move on to better things, the stupid ones (yes you are stupid if u dont get out of it) continue on the cycle. A lot of times it's also emotional abuse, women always feel they are not GOOD enough, and in a very sick way, psychologically they are attracted to those men who make them feel worthless, since they make them feel so, the women feel they are unworthy to have such a man in their life and if they let him go, he's gone forever and no other man will want them.
ReplyDeleteNow the trick is to love thy self!! The man women need to look for is the one that is kind-hearted, makes them feel like a queen and feel safe. Forget the financial stability, focus on the mental and spiritual stability.
A good man will never hurt a woman, whether it be physically and/or emotionally.
Women will never understand that until they reach a maturity state within self and until they have some sense of spirituality, you will never love yourself enough without knowing that God created you and loves you. Anyone who says otherwise will probably be a social butterfly, flaunts her 'self esteem' to everyone, looks and acts well rounded, goes to an empty home and/or abusive relationship and inside feels like sh*t about her self worth.
This is what the 'strong' women out there don't tell you. No matter how successful they are, and how strong they act, there's a weak link that needs to get nurtured.
So men, never wait around for a woman to appreciate you if she is broken, the same way you tell us women not to change you, you can't change us either. Change comes from within through love, and only then will a healthy relationship be an option. You can help them change by example within your own actions only. But they must make that decision on their own.
My advice to men: move on and find someone who is past that stage, and has a healthy relationship with herself. Holding on to a lost cause will only extinguish any other options that could have come your way.
Amen Sully ate the cake lol