The Dark Room

The Dark Room
My Abstract Paintings


A Small collage of my works



!NK at the Edge of your Canvas

Bless Up-

I Appreciate Everyone for stopping by my to check out my sanity/passion on display loll..... I didn't want to have a basic blog that i see out there a lot where people blog about celebs 24/7, thats what celebrity TV is for, i'll post about celebs but not 95% of the time...... I'm more about social issues/human rights/random funny shit too. I like my world balanced.... I welcome all opinions whether i agree or not, Speak Your Wrong Mind! hahahaaa ...Enjoy

Hit Me With Your Opinions


Is it Truth or Bullshit??

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Denied Beyond Friendship

Cooks for You
Spends Quality Time
Has no Chance
Better Financial Status
More Trust Worthy
Goes Out of Way
Respect is Shown

Could Careless
Doesn’t Give Much Thought About You
Takes You to The Neighborhood Fast Food Spot
Spends Most Time with his Peeps
Gets Every Chance to Fuck Up Repeatedly
Always Borrowing Money and Never Repaying
Trust Always in Question
Disrespect in concurrent in the Relationship

Male Friend: I like you, I Liked you for a while. I can see us on a good path together. I think we should give a relationship a chance.

Female Friend: Oh no., We can’t be together. I don’t want to loose the trust and comfort i have with you. I can confide in you and you don’t judge me for everything. As much as i love you as a friend you’re not my type relationship wise.

I’m not saying the Friend is perfect.. he just has a genuine love/respect for his female friend.. wants to see her happy: This isn't all women just some. Some women know that the volatile situation they're in with the boyfriend is poison and refuse to be involved in a relationship beyond a friendship with a friend.

It comes down to Self Worth and Judgement... Maybe the female friend is at a place in her life where she needs a no good dude to satisfy her current situation as a whole... maybe

Someone Explain the Logic of This to Me

Friday, January 7, 2011

© Labia Minora

Pure Passion and Seduction
Breathing heavily across all moist areas of your supple coated Skin
Unclose your religion to this open Sin
Words woven is breaths staggering your english to gibberish with back shots side ways blinding

Licking across the side of your inner right breast... carrying the edges of my teeth across your bone
The ribbed sections of my shaft can feel your walls moan
Hope your cervix has air suspension

I need to taste you in places where your wet finger can’t reach further

like the back ends of your walls till your back bends and heat crawls out exhausted from ceaseless penetration

Relentless circulation of oral seduction, pulsating your vulva’s aura
My pelvis reads the liquids of your labia minora
while my tongue translates passion against your labia majora

Your neck pressed against a corner and your leg on a windowsill
where rain penetrates the translucent glass
and I wipe your liquids off my shaft on your soft ass

Whisper your mind when you reciprocate head

Pure Passion and Seduction

R-Vin H. {Ink} ©2011

Monday, January 3, 2011

The Pussy Gets High off Poetry and Wet off The Artist