The Dark Room

The Dark Room
My Abstract Paintings


A Small collage of my works



!NK at the Edge of your Canvas

Bless Up-

I Appreciate Everyone for stopping by my to check out my sanity/passion on display loll..... I didn't want to have a basic blog that i see out there a lot where people blog about celebs 24/7, thats what celebrity TV is for, i'll post about celebs but not 95% of the time...... I'm more about social issues/human rights/random funny shit too. I like my world balanced.... I welcome all opinions whether i agree or not, Speak Your Wrong Mind! hahahaaa ...Enjoy

Hit Me With Your Opinions


Is it Truth or Bullshit??

Sunday, July 10, 2011

© Prepare to Perish

Every grain of sand
Is the fried brain of man
And the ocean is a mystery
Washing man away
We've become a people the sun can't stand at day

Prepare to Perish
Because you refused to appreciate the gift you should cherish

When you contaminate the seed
our children are sponges
Only poison they with breed
Our priorities are on a dumb list, you'll fight for a celebrity that doesn't know you exist
Yet won't fight for your freedom
You're securing the cycle of injustice amongst your kids

The past has a bridge that becomes stronger the more we repeat what got us chains on our feet
Our throats
Our wrist
Our minds

We'll be paying taxes on the air we breath and our so called freedom of speech
Taxed for things they never invented
Our privileges and rights are rented
And when we're stripped the impact will leave all Dented

You don't deserve to reproduce if you don't give a Fuck like Ken's Dick

Prepare to perish because you refused to Appreciate something you should cherish

Religion is Preying on Us

R-Vin H. {Ink} © 2011


  1. Hi, i was just randomly browsing... I really love your abstract paintings! =)

  2. Appreciate the Love a lot!! Bless UP!
