When you struggle/grind persistently for years, when you sacrifice partying/spending $$$/eating on a regular basis/sleep and you don't see any progression that near equals the work put out: its depleting, when people like your work but don't appreciate it or like it enough to purchase or help with exposure it feels like an internal collapse (especially when you see and know others who take short cuts/sell themselves get to where you aim to be),
You begin to steadily ask your self, why am I doing this???? Is it all worth it???? Am I wasting my time???? What am I doing wrong???? And it feels like the weight of your creative world is on your head, shoulders- arms and back of your neck: and you're just carrying it around heavy lifeless- This is where it Becomes Easy to Quick, drop everything you believe in and walk free, No Responsibility or Obligation to your Dream......
....this is where you pick up Another Weight, a Heavier Weight, the Weight of Regret, "what if", "I should had", "if I didn't quit...." And this weight isn't on your upper mentality anymore, its in your HEART and walking with a heart with that kind of weight is walking dead... When you stay Persistent till Success the Weight of the Sacrifice Lifts Up and becomes the Aura that Fuels your Drive even More!.. No weight in the heart, just High Spirits
Never Give Up No Matter How Gloomy your Path Seems or Becomes and success isn't Self Accomplish and that's it, its When you Achieve all of your Dreams Capabilities and you Share/Guide and Build with Others on a Progressive Path
Its Very Vital to have a Circle of Progressive People.. You Feed off of Their Vibes and Excel on their Inspiration
Is it Truth or Bullshit??
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Weird Dream
I had a dream that I was cooking breakfast for this sexy midget smh
I also realize that midgets don't need booty pop
All I'm saying is be careful of what kind of pussy you eat before sleep.. Good pussy might have you dreaming crazy shit and bad pussy might make you kill your self in a dream, so I've been told hahaha smh
I also realize that midgets don't need booty pop
All I'm saying is be careful of what kind of pussy you eat before sleep.. Good pussy might have you dreaming crazy shit and bad pussy might make you kill your self in a dream, so I've been told hahaha smh
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